Everything you need to know about skin bleaching — A Guide by Urban Culture’s Experts

Urban Culture
6 min readMar 20, 2023
Urban Culture bleaching

Table of content

  • What is skin bleaching?
  • How skin bleaching works
  • Chemicals used
  • Side effects of skin bleaching
  • Benefits of skin bleaching
  • How to use skin-lightening creams
  • Precautions
  • How to buy skin bleaching products
  • Summary

What is Skin Bleaching

In today’s culture, even though the color of one’s skin does not matter, people still look for ways to lighten their skin tone. Using various chemical products to achieve the same is known as skin bleaching. These products can be creams, lotions, soaps, pills, or professional treatments.

Bleaching is used to lighten the skin tone, remove dark patches due to hyperpigmentation or lighten facial hair. But it can cause side effects like skin irritation, itching, and burning which are quite normal.

How skin bleaching works

Skin bleaching is a process that reduces the concentration of melanin in the skin.

Melanin is a pigment produced by cells called melanocytes which are found in skin, hair follicles, and other body parts. Melanin provides color to our skin, hair, and eyes.

Melanin production is determined by genetics but can also be altered by chemical products, hormones, and sunlight.

Skin bleaching products contain hydroquinone which reduces the number of melanocytes in the skin and results in lighter skin or even skin tone.

Chemicals used

Skin-lightening products contain various harmful chemicals, these include Hydroquinone, Kojic acid, Mercury, and many others.


Hydroquinone is considered the primary topical ingredient of bleaching products as it reduces the number of melanocytes and reduces pigmentation.

A 2% solution can be bought directly and a prescription is required for h 4% strong solution.

Longer exposure to hydroquinone can be harmful and cause various skin issues like rashes or redness, peeling off of the skin, and acne.

Kojic acid

Kojic acid is a by-product in the fermentation process of malting rice. It is a fungal metabolic product that does not oxidize in skin lotions. It is used to preserve or change the colors of substances.

Studies show that Kojic acid when combined with Hydroquinone can treat skin diseases like melasma. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties.


Mercury is commonly used in skin-lightening products due to its ability to suppress melanin production and lighten hyperpigmentation such as dark spots, freckles, and blemishes.

In 2014, a study, recorded on NCBI, shows that out of 549 creams, nearly 12 percent contained mercury and about half of these products came from US stores.

Mercury is a toxic metal that is harmful to humans and the environment. It can have various side effects like skin rash, skin discoloration, fungal infection, and many more.

Long-term mercury exposure can cause breathing difficulties.


Niacinamide, or nicotinamide, is a type of vitamin B-3. It is a skin-friendly ingredient and has various benefits including:

  • Helps to keep skin firm and healthy
  • Helps retain moisture
  • Reduces inflammation and blotchiness
  • Treats hyperpigmentation
  • Protects from UV rays


Retinol is a form of vitamin A that is used in various skin care products. It is used to treat acne and has anti-aging effects.

Retinol increases skin cell production and exfoliates your skin, which reduces fine lines and wrinkles and gives you healthier plump skin.

It can be used to treat acne, acne scars, and dark spots, prevent the development of clogged pores and reduce stretch marks.

Retinol can have some short-term side effects such as dry, irritated skin, burning, redness, peeling, and sunburn.

Side effects of skin Bleaching

There are, with no surprise, many side effects of skin bleaching.

Mercury poisoning

Mercury being a toxic metal can cause mercury poisoning

The symptoms include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Numbness
  • Fatigue

Exogenous ochronosis

Exogenous ochronosis is a disorder that causes blue-black pigmentation. It is caused by the long-term use of skin-bleaching creams and lotions. This hyperpigmentation may fade slightly after stopping the use of these creams, but the discoloration is usually permanent.


Urban Culture Dermatitis

Dermatitis is a general term used to describe common skin issues. It is skin inflammation due to contact with certain substances found in skin-bleaching products.

The common symptoms are:

  • Skin redness
  • Skin irritation
  • Blisters
  • Dry skin
  • Flake off
  • Swelling
  • Burning
  • Itching

Steroid acne

Acne is inflammation of oil glands in your skin.

Skin bleaching products contain corticosteroids that can cause acne. It mostly affects the chest but can also show up on the back, arms, and other body parts.

The symptoms include:

  • Small red bumps
  • Open and closed blackheads and whiteheads
  • Large painful red lumps
  • Cyst-like swelling
  • Acne scars
  • White or yellow spots

Benefits of skin bleaching

There are various benefits of skin bleaching as it is a widely common practice.

Reduces dark spots

Skin bleaching helps in reducing the dark spots of the skin. That is caused by aging, sun damage, and hormonal change. It can also reduce freckles and melasma.

Evens out skin tone

Skin bleaching helps in evening out the skin tone by reducing the spots of hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage or hormonal changes. It reduces the amount of melanin causing the dark patches on the skin, hence resulting in an even tone.

Hide unwanted hair

You can hide those unwanted facial hairs without threading. Bleach contains hydroquinone that helps in the reduction of melanin present in hair follicles which results in the decoloration of hair and hence makes them hardly visible.

How to use skin-lightening creams

Urban Culture Skin-lightening Creams

Skin-lightening creams are prescribed to use and instructed by doctors. Their use varies from product to product but is generally applied on dark spots once or twice a day.

The usual instructions are:

  • Use a minimum amount applied only once or twice a day on the dark spots
  • Apply with a cotton pad or brush
  • Avoid getting it on the surrounding skin of the eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Avoid contact of the treated area with another person for at least 3–4 hours after use.
  • Apply moisturizer and massage the face until absorbed
  • Use sunscreen to prevent skin damage from UV rays


Skin bleaching can lead to various side effects. To reduce them, here are some tips to follow:

  • Use a clean brush for smooth and even application
  • Wash your face before bleaching
  • Don’t keep it longer than 15–20 minutes
  • Avoid bleaching during pimples
  • Always perform a patch test

How to buy skin bleaching products

Always buy the products recommended by your doctor. Know your skin type and then choose a bleaching product.

It is advisable to buy mild bleaching products to reduce the chances of skin damage. Make sure that your cream is free from any harsh chemicals. Or you can also make natural skin bleach at home.


Urban Culture Healthy bleached skin

Skin bleaching is a choice that should be made after knowing your skin type. There is no safe way to lighten your skin without any chances of risks. But you should always follow the instructions given by the doctor and stop the use immediately if you see any uncommon reaction.

