Lightning Strike Disables UFO’s Cloaking Shield? (VIDEO)

Taylor S.
1 min readApr 3, 2018


A unidentified flying item’s cloacking shield is one of its best resources since it enables the craft’s inhabitants to stay undetected while playing out their activities on Earth.

Obvious light can be viewed as a wavering electric and magnetic field and on the grounds that the cloaking shield takes a shot at an unmistakable level, it must work on some sort of electromagnetic standard we have yet to find. You know what else is electromagnetic? The enormous power surge caused by a lightning strike. So it turns out that when a covered UFO is hit by the thousand or so Giga Watts released by a lightning bolt, some interference may happen.

The following is a rare sight of such a phenomenon.

Amid a current rainstorm in the U.S., an extensive, round UFO ended up noticeably obvious in the wake of interacting with the enormous voltage of an electrical discharge between clouds.

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