TS Historical Encyclopedia
2 min readDec 11, 2021


Abraham Lincoln | Biography, Childhood, Quotes, Death, & Facts

abraham lincoln — ts historical

The most popular President of America, Abraham Lincoln, has played the most important role in ending slavery all over the world including America. But the struggles after which he achieved this position. I don’t think it would be anyone else’s thing than him. Abraham Lincoln’s childhood was spent in such poverty that his whole family had to stumble from door to door to get a house from his father. He did not even have enough money that he could send Abraham to school, Abraham studied from the books demanded from the people, he started working as a laborer from childhood to feed himself. He lost his mother at the age of 9. There was a time in his life when he used to stay away from the knife and the knife because he was so defeated by himself that he was afraid that he might kill himself, but friends, if you do not give up, then the effort is not in vain. People never lose. On the strength of his struggles, he won the election of the President of America and overcame America’s biggest crisis, the American Civil War i.e. American Civil War, and ended slavery, so friends, let’s travel from poverty to the White House. We know in detail about the setter Abraham Lincoln. Read More……



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