Why Product Validation is Critical for Business SuccessProduct validation is a crucial step in achieving goals for any business or organization. Before launching a new product or service, it is…May 11, 2023May 11, 2023
The Power of Collaboration: Building Strong Teams in ProgrammingProgramming is a complex and challenging field requiring creativity, problem-solving skills, and technical expertise. However, programming…May 8, 2023May 8, 2023
Stay Ahead in Software Development with SOLIDSOLID is an acronym for the five principles of object-oriented programming design. Robert C. Martin introduced the SOLID principles in the…Mar 19, 2023Mar 19, 2023
Complex Project, Little KnowledgeWhen I first read the requirements for my project, I needed clarification. I know nothing about the framework use, even what’s the software…Mar 11, 20231Mar 11, 20231
Published inCOMPFESTMastercard Economics Institute: Economic Outlook 2023Ekonomi global “multi-kecepatan” menandakan beberapa pasar akan merasakan dampak inflasi dan kenaikan suku bunga lebih tajam, pengalaman…Jan 6, 2023Jan 6, 2023
Published inCOMPFESTMastercard Academy 2.0Jakarta, 29 November 2022 — Mastercard hari ini merayakan hari jadi Mastercard Academy 2.0 yang ketiga, sebuah program unggulan dari…Dec 26, 2022Dec 26, 2022
Published inCOMPFESTMastercard dan Grab Luncurkan Program “Small Business, Big Dreams” untuk Tingkatkan Kewirausahaan…Program mencakup peluncuran dua kursus bisnis online untuk mendukung pertumbuhan usaha kecil, dan calon wirausahawan untuk memulai bisnis…Dec 26, 2022Dec 26, 2022
Published inCOMPFEST#livinaroundtheworld, Livin’ by Mandiri Hadirkan Solusi Finansial Dalam GenggamanSingapura, 1 Desember 2022 — Memasuki era digital, Bank Mandiri secara konsisten terus mengembangkan layanan perbankan digital untuk…Dec 26, 2022Dec 26, 2022
Published inCOMPFESTGraduation Night: A Spectacular End to the JourneyCOMPFEST 14, Jakarta — Graduation Night was held offline at the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia Building on September…Nov 11, 2022Nov 11, 2022
Published inCOMPFESTGraduation Night: A Spectacular End to the JourneyCOMPFEST 14, Jakarta — Graduation Night telah dilaksanakan secara offline di Gedung Kementerian Perindustrian RI pada tanggal 17 September.Nov 11, 2022Nov 11, 2022