Lakes Isli and Tislit in Morocco, what the legend says?

3 min readFeb 26, 2022


For travelers seeking calmness and some good time to connect with nature, Imilchil remains one of the best recommendations, It is a village located between the mountains of the High Atlas in Morocco, at 2200m of altitude. This area is locally well known by two lakes, Isli is 13,6 km far from the village and Tislit is just 6,9 km far from Imlchil, the distance between the two lakes is approximately 9,4 km. You can go for a good hike starting from Imlchil, then passing by lake Tislit and eventually arriving at lake Isli, and if you are interested in camping, both lakes are good and safe spots for that.

Tislit and Isli lakes
The road path (driving/walking)

Now let’s discover what is the story behind the two lakes, the Moroccan legend says that a long time ago, there was a couple, Isli a tall handsome man from the tribe Ait Ibrahim, and Tislit a Charming lady with long raven hair and beautiful deep eyes, she was from the tribe Ait Haddidou. Their love was profound and pure, but unfortunately, they could not get married and live under one roof, the traditions were very important, strict some times and have to be respected, to get married and have a family Isli and Tislt needed their both tribes approval, but since there were lands disputes and conflicts between the two tribes, they would not have allowed that, sadly the relationship was considered forbidden.

Isli and Tislit were sorrowful, depressed, and hopeless, this pain made them cry endlessly to the extent that they were drowned in their inexhaustible tears, and eventually died, their love, hope, and dreams died with them.

Isli lake is made of Isli’s tears and Tislit lake is made of Tislit’s tears, the legend says.

Although it is a legend, every year, at the beginning of autumn, a festival called marriage festival takes place at imlchil, so people who want to get married could find a partner, it is like a festival that facilates marriage and it is said that this is a way to make amends for the sad love story of Isli and Tislit

Couples at the marriage festival in imilchil (Fadel Senna afp getty images)

If you plan to travel to Morocco, put Imlchil and the two lakes on your list, the whole area is beautiful and the people are friendly.

Happy and safe trip.

