“The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting” by Dr. Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore

5 min readApr 16, 2024


Dr. Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore’s book “The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting” offers a thorough examination of fasting as a therapeutic strategy for enhancing health and encouraging weight reduction. Nephrologist Dr. Fung and health blogger Moore work together to debunk common misconceptions about fasting and provide helpful advice on how to follow different fasting regimes. Based on empirical studies, professional expertise, and firsthand accounts, the writers describe the advantages of fasting, provide advice on how to get beyond typical obstacles, and give evidence-based suggestions for incorporating fasting into daily life. In-depth discussion of the main ideas, methods, and discoveries in the book will be provided in this comprehensive synopsis, enabling readers to fully use fasting for optimum health and well-being.

First of all,

Dr. Fung and Moore provided context for their investigation of fasting as a therapeutic intervention in the beginning. They address the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and obesity in contemporary culture and draw attention to the shortcomings of traditional methods for managing these conditions and losing weight. The scientists contend that fasting provides many health advantages without requiring pricey supplements or costly medical procedures, making it a viable alternative to calorie restriction and pharmacological therapies. They stress the value of empowerment and education in advancing fasting as a secure and reliable method of enhancing health outcomes.

Part I: An Introduction to Fasting

Dr. Fung and Moore provide a summary of fasting’s physiological effects on the body in Part I of the book.

What is Fasting? According to the writers, fasting is the deliberate abstaining from meals for a predetermined amount of time, which may be anything from a few hours to many days. They make a distinction between starving and fasting, highlighting the fact that, when done properly, fasting is an intentional, regulated procedure with many health advantages.

The Physiology of Fasting: Drs. Fung and Moore discuss the physiological changes that take place during fasting, such as the activation of cellular repair mechanisms, the mobilization of fat reserves for energy, and the depletion of glycogen stores. They emphasize the body’s capacity to adjust to times of food shortage by talking about the function of insulin, glucagon, and other hormones in controlling metabolism during fasting.

Types of Fasting: The writers discuss a range of fasting schedules, such as protracted, alternate-day, and intermittent fasting. They go over the advantages and difficulties of each strategy while providing helpful advice on how to incorporate fasting into daily living. Additionally, they address common myths and worries regarding fasting, such the worry of slowing down metabolism and losing muscle.

Section II: Advantages of Fasting

Dr. Fung and Moore explore the health advantages of fasting as well as its possible uses in the treatment and prevention of chronic illnesses in Part II of the book.

Weight reduction: By lowering caloric intake, increasing fat burning, and enhancing metabolic flexibility, the authors address how fasting may aid in weight reduction. They emphasize how fasting is more effective than calorie restriction in causing long-term weight reduction and curing obesity-related illnesses.

Metabolic Health: Dr. Fung and Moore examine how fasting affects lipid profiles, blood sugar regulation, and insulin sensitivity, among other aspects of metabolic health. Citing research papers and personal experiences, they talk about the possible therapeutic benefits of fasting for controlling metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Cellular Repair: The authors investigate the molecular and cellular processes, including autophagy, apoptosis, and stem cell activation, that underlie the health advantages of fasting. They describe how cellular regeneration and repair are sparked by fasting, which increases lifespan and fortitude against age-related illnesses.

Section III: Practical Fasting

Dr. Fung and Moore provide helpful advice for incorporating fasting into one’s lifestyle and overcoming typical obstacles in Part III of the book.

Getting Started: The writers provide detailed guidelines for starting a fasting program, along with advice on how to choose a suitable fasting protocol, make reasonable objectives, and track your progress. They stress the need of paying attention to one’s body, drinking enough of water, and getting help from medical experts or fasting groups.

Troubleshooting: Drs. Fung and Moore talk about typical issues and problems that come up during fasting, such exhaustion, cravings, and hunger. They provide methods for dealing with these symptoms, such remaining occupied, hydrating, and engaging in mindfulness exercises. Additionally, they provide guidance on how to modify fasting regimens in accordance with personal preferences and tolerances.

Long-Term Success: The writers go over methods for keeping up long-term success with fasting, such as making regular exercise a priority, giving nutrient-dense meals first priority, and developing a positive outlook. They stress the significance of self-care, adaptability, and sustainability in reaching and sustaining health objectives via fasting.

In summary:

Dr. Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore’s “The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting” provides a thorough and evidence-based examination of fasting as an effective strategy for enhancing health and encouraging weight reduction. Based on empirical studies, professional expertise, and firsthand accounts, the writers provide helpful advice on how to follow different fasting schedules, deal with typical issues, and succeed over the long haul. Dr. Fung and Moore provide readers with a road map to a healthier, happier, and more energetic existence via the transforming power of fasting by demystifying it and enabling them to take charge of their health.

