| Botanic Garden | US Capital | Library of Congress | Washington, DC

4 min readJan 27, 2019


| January 21st, 2019 | Washington, DC

United States Botanic Gardens

So the last day before I flew back, we went to the east part of the Smithonian Museums. And the United States Botanic Gardens will be a good point to start.

United States Botanic Gardens | 100 Maryland Ave SW, Washington, DC 20001

To be honest, I was totally not into plant or flower stuff. So we just walked through every where, and kind of pretending wowing at the magic of nature.

But I cannot deny that this is a well-organized garden with different areas and different plantations such as the tropics, desert, Hawaii, Mediterranean and else. Very suitable for families with children to learn a little bit about world plants.

United States Botanic Gardens | 100 Maryland Ave SW, Washington, DC 20001

United States Capitol 美國參眾議院

I read quite some about the Trump Administration shut down the day before I left Orlando. And I was curious about the US Capitol.

United States Capitol | First St SE, Washington, DC 20004

After I left botanic gardens, the US Capitol was clearly located on the right hand side.

It was a delicately-designed dome building. When looking at this side, it was mostly covered by trees. We then walked to the other side (also walking towards the US Capitol Visitor Center), and it was so breath-takingly beautiful.

Were it not too cold (Ken said it was the coldest day ever), I would love to stay outside longer and enjoy some.

United States Capitol | First St SE, Washington, DC 20004

Library of Congress 國會圖書館

Unfortunately, the US Capitol Visitor Center prohibits visitors from bringing food inside, so we left and headed to the library of Congress just opposite to visitor center.

Library of Congress | 101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540

The most famous part of this library is the design of hall. I heard it was a Renaissance-style. From pillar to ceiling, there were marbles and some shining gems. Everything so fancy; it was hard to believe that this was a library.

Library of Congress | 101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540

And there were a few exhibitions after climbing to upper level. One was about World War I (It seems that there were memorials for every significant wars in DC except World War I, so the library was proud to show these to pay tribute to the countries and days.)

The other was about baseball. And I was absolutely not interested in sports, so I took a quick glance and left.

There were exhibitions about Native Americans and the real piece of Gutenburg Bible on lower level. I think I have learned something related to Gutenburg Bible when I was taking the history of Renaissance in NTU, but honestly, I remembered too little to be inspired.

Library of Congress | 101 Independence Ave SE, Washington, DC 20540

Then we left for Union Station. It was nearly dawn and the last for me (cried). We were too cold so that we kind of rushed to Union Station, but I still tried to captured some beauties on way. These are gonna be the last of the last.

And finally arriving Union Station.

Bye DC. I know and I will visit again.

#Tsaiiyuaroundtheglobe #Washington, DC

19 spring/ Washington, DC

