Importance of Consultative Meetings in a Business

A consensus meeting fortifies the decision-making process and can lead to a more sound decision than one made through a majority vote.

Meetings can be an effective place for employees to use their problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills to solve any ongoing organizational challenges. You can use these sessions to present an issue the department or company faces and ask employees to prepare potential solutions to overcome these obstacles.

It’s important to schedule and hold meetings because they provide employees with the opportunities to discuss their thoughts, ideas and concerns in a comfortable and collaborative environment. Many team members can use their meeting time to share feedback with one another to develop and build upon certain ideas and strategies. Allowing a space for employees to share information, make decisions and provide project updates can allow them to build a stronger connection as a team. This can boost energy levels, work culture and collaboration among coworkers.


Here consultation means group decision-making process in which participants develop and decide on proposals with aim or requirement of acceptance by all. Instead of simply voting for an item and having majority of the group getting their way Islam has defined this as Shura (Consultative committee.)

…and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when thou hast taken a decision put thy trust in Allah. [Quran 3:159]

[righteous are those] …who conduct their affairs through [shura baynahum] mutual Consultation. [Quran 42:38]

A consensus meeting fortifies the decision-making process and can lead to a more sound decision than one made through a majority vote. Giving all participants the opportunity to share ideas allows for a thorough discussion and creative problem-solving that may not have been uncovered in any other way.

Consensus decision making is an essential factor of successful teamwork, as it helps generate a shared vision and foster communication and coordination between teams. It is vital for them to be able to reach a decision together, as this shows they are working together towards a common goal. Reaching a conclusion that everyone on the team supports is a positive, often effective, team strategy. 1 With 100% agreement, you can move forward with confidence, and you don’t have to worry about another employee working to undermine your efforts.

Principles of Consultation -

Members are experts in their field, experienced and knowledgeable

Members are free to give their honest opinion without fear or compulsion

The final decisions is made by the chairperson in consideration to the opinions of the members (Either Consultative and Consensus based)

All members must support the final decision made as if it was their own

Ground Rules for a Meeting / Mashwara

One Person speaks at a time and identifies the issues that are important for him or her to discuss as well as what he or she views the conflict to be.

Each person should also be prepared with some ideas for solutions to the problem.

Listen to what others say about the situation as well as how they felt about it and what they thought about it.

If you have something you feel you must say, make a note and wait your turn.

PLEASE DON’T INTERRUPT. Each person has a right to be heard completely. You will get your turn.

Work hard to understand what the other person is saying even if you need to take notes.

Remember that when we are very emotional, our IQ can temporarily drop 10 to 20 points, so be aware that you may be misunderstanding something if you are extremely emotional about the conflict.

Be prepared to explain the other person’s point of view if you were asked to.

Be prepared to explain your feelings, thoughts and needs.

Be prepared to try to understand the other person’s feelings, thoughts and needs.

Be prepared to try to understand the other person’s feelings, thoughts and needs both now and in relation to any previous interchange you may be discussing.

Be prepared to consider that you may have been mistaken about something, have been missing information, or may have made an incorrect assumption.

Follow the instructions of the facilitator/ mediator

Be aware of time limits

Be willing to make some adjustments in your behavior if any are requested.

Be ready to request behavioral changes from the other person….More of something……..Less of something………….Something entirely new or instead of something



Talha Sareshwala Mentor; Author, & Advisor

I have largely contributed to my success as a Professional and social Entrepreneurship its my dedication, work ethics and never-say-die attitude which