AutoGPT - Your Personal AI Assistant in Less Than 30 Minutes

Thiago Saveratto
5 min readApr 10, 2023

AutoGPT, the AI-powered agent that’s taking the internet by storm, can be set up in under 30 minutes. Imagine having your very own AI 🤖 to complete tasks and help you be more productive! Let’s dive into how you can get started with AutoGPT.

Who doesn’t remember this loved/hated clips?

AutoGPT’s Popularity

The buzz around AutoGPT is well-deserved as it’s a powerful AI tool capable of performing a variety of tasks autonomously. The ease of setting it up and getting started has made it incredibly popular among users.

AI Agents

AutoGPT functions as an AI agent, running on its own and completing tasks you assign. This advanced technology allows you to enjoy the benefits of AI without needing any programming expertise.

Setting Up AutoGPT

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up AutoGPT, from prerequisites to running the AI agent.

2. Prerequisites

Before getting started, ensure you have a basic understanding of terminal commands. You will also need to complete the following steps:

  • Git setup
  • Python installation
  • Docker Desktop download
  • Obtain an OpenAI API Key

Use the provided links to access the necessary resources:

3. Cloning the Repository

Start by cloning the AutoGPT repository from GitHub:

“git clone

Navigate to the newly created folder with:

“cd Auto-GPT”

4. Configuring the Environment

In the Auto-GPT folder, locate the .env.template file and insert your OpenAI API key. Next, duplicate the file and rename it to .env.

5. Installing Python Packages

Run the following command to install the required Python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Remember, you must have Python installed to proceed.

6. Running Docker

Ensure Docker Desktop is running. You don’t need to download any containers; just make sure the program is active.

7. Running AutoGPT

To run AutoGPT, execute the following command:

python scripts/

For continuous mode, use:

python scripts/ — continuous

8. Setting Goals

AutoGPT is a powerful tool, but it’s not perfect. To avoid issues, start with simple goals and test the output. In-depth goals may cause the AI to get stuck in the planning phase without producing any output.

Research AutoGPT
ProHealth Promoter AutoGPT

Rule of Thumb

Start simple, test the output, and then adjust your goals as needed. This process often involves some trial and error.

9. Saving to Files

AutoGPT can write to files, so you need to guide it in the right direction. In most cases, simply asking it to save the analysis will suffice. However, you can also request that it saves outputs for each goal:

Example Goal 1: Find the top 10 shoe brands. Save the output. Goal 2: Perform a SWOT analysis of each brand. Save it.

10. General Issues

Looping Issues

Sometimes, AutoGPT might enter a loop. Monitor it closely and if it loops for more than 2–3 minutes, it’s likely stuck and you’ll need to restart the process.

GPT-4 API Access

To unlock the full potential of AutoGPT, you’ll need GPT-4 API access. GPT-3.5 may not provide the desired depth of agents or responses. If you don’t have access, join the waitlist to get the most out of AutoGPT.

11. Conclusion

Setting up AutoGPT is a straightforward process that can be completed in under 30 minutes. With some basic understanding of terminal commands and the necessary prerequisites, you’ll be well on your way to utilizing a powerful AI agent. Keep in mind the potential issues and ensure you have GPT-4 API access to maximize the effectiveness of your AI assistant.


Deploying Autonomous AI Agents Directly in the Browser Recently, another developer released a new attempt to explore AutoGPT by creating a project that can assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI agents in the browser — AgentGPT. One of the main contributors to the project is Amazon software engineer, Asim Shrestha, who has garnered 2,200 stars on GitHub.

Project homepage:

AgentGPT allows you to name your custom AI and have it perform whatever tasks you want. A custom AI thinks of a task to be accomplished, carries it out, and learns from the results in an attempt to achieve a goal. The following is a demo example: HustleGPT, set the goal of creating a startup with only $100 in funding.

HustleGPT, set the goal of creating a startup with only $100 in funding.

You can perform a brief trial without using the API, but for complete functionality, you’ll need to input your OpenAI API key when utilizing the tool. AgentGPT is presently in beta development and is focusing on long-term memory, web navigation, and interactions between websites and users.

12. FAQs

Can I use AutoGPT without any programming knowledge?

Yes, you don’t need programming expertise to use AutoGPT, but you should have a basic understanding of terminal commands.

How do I avoid looping issues with AutoGPT?

Start with simple goals and monitor the AI agent closely. If it loops for more than 2–3 minutes, restart the process.

Is GPT-3.5 sufficient for using AutoGPT effectively?

While GPT-3.5 can work with AutoGPT, you’ll get the best results by using GPT-4 API access, as it provides greater depth of agents and responses.

How can I save the output for each goal in AutoGPT?

Specify in your goal that you want the output saved, like this: “Goal 1: Find the top 10 shoe brands. Save the output.”

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Thiago Saveratto

Systems Engineer with experience in large-scale projects in Latin America and Europe.