Listen Up! How Social Listening Can Help You Create More Effective Content and Drive Traffic

Theresa Ngumimi Tseayo
8 min readJan 19, 2023


The concept of social listening has been around for some time now though it may not be a term most people are familiar with. Social listening is the process of monitoring and analyzing conversations and mentions of your brand, product, or industry across social media platforms. Examples include tracking mentions on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, as well as online forums like Reddit or Quora and blogs.

Social listening is incredibly important in SEO as it provides valuable insights into what people are saying about your brand and industry. This can help businesses identify opportunities to improve their SEO strategy and identify any issues or concerns that may be affecting their online reputation. You can also identify key influencers within your industry and engage with them to improve visibility and drive website traffic by tracking mentions and conversations.

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Additionally, you can use social listening to inform and improve content strategy by identifying topics, keywords, and questions your audience finds relevant. Social listening is a powerful tool for understanding online conversations around a brand and using that information to improve SEO and overall digital marketing efforts.

Here’s a quick look at some of the benefits of social listening

Improved customer understanding

Businesses that monitor and analyze conversations on social media can better understand their customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points. This can inform decisions like product development, marketing efforts, and customer service strategies.

Early warning of potential crisis

Most consumers’ first instinct is to vent on social media when they’ve had a bad experience with a business. By monitoring social media, companies can identify potential issues or negative sentiments early on, allowing them to catch dissatisfactory posts and proactively address concerns before they escalate into a crisis.

Increased brand awareness

Being an active listener on social media allows businesses to notice what influencers their audience actually identifies with. Social listening can help companies to identify key influencers within their industry and actively engage with them to increase brand visibility and drive website traffic. This could be via commenting on their posts or entering a partnership with them.

Improved SEO

Creating SEO-driven content is one of the best ways to drive organic traffic to your business pages. Social listening can inform SEO strategy by identifying relevant keywords, topics, questions and discussions on social media. These insights can help businesses create more targeted and compelling content to improve their search engine rankings.

Increased engagement

A lot of businesses connect with their customers via social media. Businesses can build stronger relationships and increase customer loyalty by responding to and engaging with customers on social media. It’s a win-win situation for both parties as customers feel appreciated and seen, and the business learns more about their concerns and what they like.

Competitive intelligence

Social listening can provide insights into what your competitors are doing and what kind of strategies they are using. Knowing what other key players in your industry are up to can allow you to adjust your marketing efforts accordingly.

Improved product development

Businesses can learn what aspects of their products need improvement by monitoring social media feedback. You can use customer comments and reviews to identify areas for improvement in products and services and used to drive innovation.

What you need to understand to excel at social listening

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Platforms and tools for social listening

There are many platforms and tools available to help with social listening today. Each tool has unique features and capabilities that influence the decision to use them. These usually depend on your business needs and the results you hope to get from your social listening efforts. Some of the most popular options out there include:

  1. Hootsuite Insights: A social media listening and analytics tool that allows businesses to track mentions and conversations across multiple platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It enables you to make sense of customer conversations in real time and provides instant analysis of your customers’ feelings or thoughts about your brand.
  2. Brand24: A social listening tool that instantly tracks mentions of a brand or keyword across multiple platforms, including social media, news websites, podcasts, reviews, and blogs. It also provides sentiment analysis and influencer identification and can be used to learn more about your products, brand or competitors.
  3. Mention: A social listening and analytics tool that allows businesses to track mentions of their brand or keywords across multiple platforms, including social media, websites, and blogs. They also help filter and analyze data from these sources to uncover trends in conversations to help businesses stay ahead of the game.
  4. BuzzSumo: A social listening and content analysis tool that allows businesses to track mentions of their brand or keywords across multiple platforms, including social media, news websites, and blogs. It also provides influencer identification and content analysis. They claim to be the world’s largest bank of social engagement data and help businesses generate ideas for high-performing content.
  5. Google Alerts: A free tool offered by Google that allows businesses to track mentions of their brand or keywords across the web, including news websites, blogs, and forums.
  6. Talkwalker: A social listening and analytics tool that allows businesses to track mentions of their brand or keywords across multiple platforms, including social media, news websites, and blogs. They provide businesses with a means to extract data from customer conversations and provide sentiment analysis, influencer identification, and visual analytics.
  7. Sprout Social: A social media management platform that includes social listening, analytics and reporting, and engagement tools. They are the leading platform for extracting valuable, actionable insights from social audiences.

These are a few examples of the many social listening platforms and tools available to users today. I use mention and find that it meets most of my needs.

Many have a free version for basic functions, but you might have to upgrade to a paid plan to get the full benefits of social listening. The best one for your business depends on your unique needs and budget.

What are some key metrics I should be tracking?

It’s time to explore what metrics are important and need tracking for your social listening efforts to succeed. Knowing how social listening benefits your business and some tools available to execute it flawlessly, here are key metrics to keep your eye on.

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  • Volume of mentions: This metric tracks the total number of times a brand, product, or keyword is mentioned on social media. It can provide insight into how much visibility and exposure a brand gets on social media.
  • Sentiment analysis: This metric tracks the overall tone or feeling expressed in social media mentions of a brand, product, or keyword. This can help businesses understand how the public perceives their brand.
  • Engagement rate: This metric tracks the level of engagement a brand gets on social media, such as likes, shares, and comments. It can also provide insight into how well a brand’s content resonates with its audience.
  • Influencer identification: This metric tracks the key individuals discussing and influencing a brand or industry on social media. Identifying these individuals can help businesses build relationships with them and increase brand visibility.
  • Brand reach: This metric tracks the number of people who see a brand’s social media posts. It can provide insight into how effectively a brand’s social media strategy reaches its target audience.
  • Share of voice: This metric compares the volume of mentions for a brand compared to its competitors. It can provide insight into how well a brand performs compared to its competitors and how much of the conversation is dominated by one brand.
  • Net promoter score: This metric calculates how likely customers are to recommend a brand to others. This can provide insight into how satisfied customers are with a brand and how likely they are to return in the future.
  • Crisis detection: This metric tracks negative mentions and keywords associated with a crisis and helps you to identify potential issues before they escalate.

These are just a few examples of the critical metrics that businesses can track when using social listening tools. The specific metrics to extract and act on will depend on your business’s own goals and objectives.

Why is it important to set goals and objectives?

Setting goals and objectives is crucial when implementing a social listening strategy. Without goals, there would be no point in social listening, and you’d simply be wasting time. Setting clear goals and objectives help businesses focus their efforts and measure success. Without clear goals and objectives, knowing what to look for when monitoring social media and understanding the impact of social listening efforts can be difficult.

Some examples of goals and objectives that businesses may set for their social listening strategy include:

Improving customer understanding: This goal could involve tracking customer sentiment and feedback on social media to better understand your customer’s needs and preferences.

Increasing brand awareness: This may involve identifying major influencers in your industry and engaging with them to increase brand visibility and drive website traffic.

Improving SEO: This goal could involve tracking relevant keywords and topics on social media to inform content strategy and improve search engine rankings.

Increasing engagement: This goal could involve responding to and engaging with customers on social media to build stronger relationships and increase customer loyalty.

Identifying potential crisis: This goal could involve monitoring social media for negative sentiment or mentions of potential issues to address them proactively.

Improving product development: This goal could involve monitoring feedback on social media to identify areas for improvement in products and services and using that information to drive innovation.

By setting clear goals and objectives, businesses can ensure that their social listening efforts align with their overall business objectives and that they can measure the impact of those efforts.

Additionally, setting goals and objectives allows businesses to adjust their strategy when needed to ensure they get the most out of their social listening efforts.

To wrap it up…

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Implementing social listening in your business can be valuable for understanding your customers, competitors, and the overall industry. It allows you to track mentions of your brand, products, and services across social media platforms and monitor conversations and sentiment around specific keywords and topics.

Your business can then use this information to improve your marketing and customer service efforts, identify potential issues or opportunities, and make data-driven decisions. It’s a low-cost and efficient way to gain valuable insights about your business and customers. The rewards are plentiful; if you haven’t already, now is the time to include social listening in your digital marketing and content creation efforts.



Theresa Ngumimi Tseayo

7 years of Digital Marketing and counting! Pop culture enthusiast, copywriter extraordinaire and cat mom!