Declaring Independence🎉 from Bad Code Practices

Let us be free

The Secret Developer
3 min readJul 4, 2024
Photo by Stephanie McCabe on Unsplash

It’s Independence Day! Rather than thinking about tea or something, let’s act like our Founding Fathers. We’re going to expunge our bad coding habits with a constitution of software development.

Don’t take this too seriously but do the things that I suggest people!

The Constitution

We, the coders act, in order to form a more perfect codebase, establish maintainability, and working functionality, promote documentation, and secure the blessings of clean code to ourselves and our colleagues, do ordain and establish this Constitution for Coders.

Article I: Spaghetti Code
Section 1: Spaghetti code shall be abolished.
Section 2: All functions shall be well-structured, with a clear beginning, middle, and end, and no more than 50 lines each, except in cases of supreme necessity.

Article II: Magic Numbers
Section 1: No magic number shall remain unexplained within the code.
Section 2: All numerical constants shall reside in clearly labelled variables or configuration files, documented for the…



The Secret Developer

A top software developer who has worked for some of the biggest tech companies (yes, that one too) reveals the stories behind Big Tech and software engineering.