The 5 Types of Software Developer Jerks

Which Are You?

The Secret Developer
2 min readApr 23, 2024
Photo by Emily Pippus on Unsplash

I wish code was just about algorithms. It’s more complex than that (and I don’t mean it’s about design patterns) because there are people involved.

I’m sure your workplace is something like mine. You have a range of personalities you meet every day, and some are not quite so pleasant. We might even call some of these developers Jerks.

Let me give you a rundown of the five common types of software developer jerks you might encounter during your professional programming journey, and why they might just make you feel homicidal.

The Ego-Inflated Proclaimer

This developer believes they’re the best — and they won’t let you forget it. Every conversation turns into a monologue about their achievements. They live in a feedback loop of self-praise, often fueled by management’s recognition, leaving little room for team collaboration or diversity of thought.

The Anarchic Coder

Standards? What standards? This developer sees team-agreed coding guidelines as mere suggestions rather than rules. Their code becomes a unique dialect that only they can understand, causing headaches for anyone who dares to maintain or integrate their “innovative” solutions.



The Secret Developer

A top software developer who has worked for some of the biggest tech companies (yes, that one too) reveals the stories behind Big Tech and software engineering.