This Happens? You’re Too Old To Be a Programmer
It Happens to All of Us
Age catches up with all of us. Slightly less hair, slightly more on the waistline. Google even has a name for these aged bodies. Greyglers.
That’s anyone working at Google over the age of 40
Although Google pigeonholes you according to birthdate, not all software development companies do that. More enlightened companies look out for this warning sign no matter your biological age. They judge you and will throw you on the scrap heap if you signal the following.
These aren’t the things that tell you that you’re too old for a development career. It’s not that easy to tell when you’ve become that grumpy shadow who prevents the team from reaching its potential.
Before we dive into the signs that you’re decrepit, too old, and past it; let us see the advantages of having more miles on the clock.
Advantages to being an experienced programmer
Companies will pay more money for the experience. They appreciate the talent and think that is more valuable when that talent knows something about how to implement their ideas with experience.
The following are great attributes of experience in software development.