TypeScript is Wrong for you

It might be the way you choose software solutions

The Secret Developer
5 min readJan 16, 2023
Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

This article explains that TypeScript can be used as a catch-all solution for inadequately described problems.

It discusses the arguments in favor of Typescript, why they are weak and what this means for the industry.

The Common Story

JavaScript is the current tool being used to create your software solutions, and developers are happy using it.

Then someone (oftentimes a senior developer, team lead, or another technical person) pipes up claiming that they have the solution.

We need to use TypeScript for this project. I used it in my last company.

Sounds good, right? Sounds great! We need to use it. He (it’s frequently that guy) has stated his case so firmly that we’re going to go in that direction.

In this scenario, one of two things happens. Either the team capitulates, and the change is made (if the team is weak) and the story ends here.

In the alternative reality, there is a frank exchange of views as the team is split. In one corner, the zealots for TypeScript sit. In the other corner, the advocates for not going there as “things work as they are”.



The Secret Developer

A top software developer who has worked for some of the biggest tech companies (yes, that one too) reveals the stories behind Big Tech and software engineering.