Edge AI with Apache Pulsar Overview (FLiPN Edge)

Tim Spann
2 min readSep 9, 2022



Building FLiPN Stack Edge AI Applications



Comcast Technology Center 1800 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

2:00 PM — 2:30 PM

Track One (RJR Forum)

“Building FLiPN Stack Edge AI applications” presented by Tim Spann (StreamNative — Developer Advocate)

⭐ Building FLiPN Stack Edge AI Apps

1️⃣ Deploy Pulsar Cluster (or use StreamNative Cloud)

2️⃣ Deploy a Device (NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Xavier, Raspberry Pi, etc…)

🏭 3️⃣ Build your Edge Application Skeleton (Python, Java, Go)

4️⃣ Use Model From an Existing Model Zoo or Build a New One (Data Scientist)

5️⃣ Deploy your model (can be utilizing feature store including Pulsar Function Store)

6️⃣ Call ML libraries or models from your application

7️⃣ (Optional) Edge Pulsar Cluster can Run Pulsar Functions with ML

8️⃣ Classification Results Published to Pulsar Topics

9️⃣ Classification Subscriptions for Users of Results

1️⃣0️⃣ Access via MQTT, AMQP, Kafka, Pulsar, WebSockets, Flink, Spark, Java, Python, Golang, Kotlin, Scala, NodeJS, C++, C#, Jupyter Notebooks, DeltaLake, Presto SQL, …






Tim Spann

Principal Developer Advocate, Zilliz. Milvus, Attu, Towhee, GenAI, Big Data, IoT, Deep Learning, Streaming, Machine Learning. https://www.datainmotion.dev/