Finding the Best Way Around

Tim Spann
Published in
8 min readMay 18, 2023

Utilizing Real-Time Transit Data for Travel Optimization.

There are a lot of factors involved in determining how you can find our way around and avoid delays, bad weather, dangers and expenses. In this article we will focus on public transport in the largest transit system in the United States, the MTA, the is focused around New York City. Utilizing public and semi-public data feeds, this can be extended to most city and metropolitan areas around the world.

Photo by Sabri Tuzcu on Unsplash

If you don’t need a deep dive, grab the source code, sign up for an MTA developer account and start running.

Photo by Michael Jin on Unsplash

Once we get our first sample data back from the MTA, we will want to see how we should transform, convert, enrich and finalize it for usage in streaming tables with Flink SQL, but also keep that same contract with Kafka consumers, Iceberg tables and other users of this data. A consistent data contract starts with a data schema defining names, nullability and type.

Schema Registry for our schema
"type": "record",
"name": "mta",
"namespace": "org.apache.nifi",
"fields": [
"name": "StopPointRef",
"type": [
"name": "uuid",
"type": [

The easiest and most widely used option is an Apache Avro schema in JSON format. So we’ll use that and everyone can be happy with our consistency. You can get the full schema from the github repo.


When you build a NiFi flow, you should parameterize anything you may want to change when you deploy it to another environment or production. This is a great way to make this reusable. We do that for ReadyFlows. Do this and profit!

Attribute List


Destination Topic







You will need to sign up for the MTA Developer program to get a key.





NiFi DataFlow

The Flow starts here…

Send our data to Kafka

Now that you have seen the high-level flow, let’s walk through the settings for each processor.

Step 1: InvokeHTTP — Get the REST Data

If you need to add a sensitive property to your call.

Step 2: QueryRecord

Step 3: SplitRecord

Step 4: EvaluateJSONPath — Get Fields we want

Step 5: AttributesToJSON — Build our new file format

Step 6: UpdateRecord — Add timestamp and primary key

Step 7: UpdateAttribute — Set Schema Name and JSON

Step 8 — Produce events to Apache Kafka topic “mta”

We send records as Apache Avro with Cloudera annotated schema, so it is read super fast in Flink SQL.

Kafka Brokers and Destination Topic names are parameters, we also have a parameter for the schema registry in the AvroRecordSetWriterSchema Writer so we can easily publish to production.

Step 9 — Retry if error

You can decide what you want to do if Kafka is not available or if your data is bad. You could send it to S3, Slack, Email, Iceberg, local files or just keep it in a NiFi queue. We can also centralize our error handling. We will figure that out as we build this application out.

Now if we intend to move this application into a scalable production environment, a better option is to build utilizing Cloudera DataFlow Designer and start from a pre-tested ReadyFlow. (DataFlow SuperPower)

Apache NiFi Flows

To Load to Cloudera Data Flow

cdp df import-flow-definition \
--name "MTA" \
--description "MTA" \
--file "<<PATH_TO_UPDATE>>/MTA.json" \
--comments "Initial Version"

NiFi Toolkit

cd nifi-toolkit-1.20.0 
session set nifi.props base.propsnifi list-param-contexts -u https://localhost:8443 -ot simple

NiFi Production Deployment as a DataFlow on Kubernetes — First Deploy

Name it

NiFi Production Deployment as a DataFlow on Kubernetes — Monitoring

Top Level Deployment Monitoring for all of my flows
During Deployment You Set Your Parameters That You Can Change After Deployment As Well


Streams Messaging Manager for Kafka Management and Visibility

Thanks to our schema, we can see and inspect our MTA events very easily inside of SMM so we know our data will be good for Kafka consumers like Flink SQL, Spark, NiFi and Spring.

SQL Stream Builder (Flink SQL)

select mta.VehicleRef,  mta.StopPointName, mta.Bearing, mta.DestinationName, mta.ExpectedArrivalTime, mta.VehicleLocationLatitude, mta.VehicleLocationLongitude, 
mta.ArrivalProximityText, mta.DistanceFromStop, mta.AimedArrivalTime, mta.`Date`, mta.ts, mta.uuid, mta.EstimatedPassengerCapacity, mta.EstimatedPassengerCount
from `sr1`.`default_database`.`mta`
Flink SQL via SQL Stream Builder

Once we have a built a query that works, we can instantly add a REST output sink for it.

Click Create Materialized View and pick your query, patterns, fields and hit Create.

Set your key for the REST API.


The raw data is made available for any REST consumer including JavaScript web pages, Python code and more.

SSB REST Feed for our Flink SQL query

To start a local Jupyter notebook, just type the following:

jupyter notebook
import json
import pandas
df = pandas.read_json('http://localhost:18131/api/v1/query/5204/mta?key=2730dfe0-1e2d-4f74-866a-52f372531d60')

We can work with our streaming data via REST as JSON in a Jupyter Notebook. The example code I used is shown above and also stored in the github repo.

Jupyter Notebook for reading MTA event streams via REST and Pandas


Developer Docs

GTFS Real-Time Feed


GTFS Real-Time Data

More Data is Streaming

More Data

Data References

Thanks for following this initial build, next steps to add more data streams and identify the best way around by looking at MTA, NJ Transit, roads, planes and boats.

Until then time to REST.



Tim Spann

Principal Developer Advocate, Zilliz. Milvus, Attu, Towhee, GenAI, Big Data, IoT, Deep Learning, Streaming, Machine Learning.