Let’s Monitor All The Things

Tim Spann
6 min readOct 13, 2022


Apache Pulsar — Apache Flink — Apache NiFi — Apache Spark — FLiPN Stack

At home, I monitor the temperature, humidity, gas levels, ozone, air quality, and other features around my desk. Let’s bring this to the different spots around the conference including lunch tables, vendor booths, hotel rooms, and more. I need to know about these readings now, not when I get back home from the conference. We need to get these sensor readings immediately in case we need to turn on a fan or move to another area. We will also see if my talk produces a lot of hot air!? My setup is pretty simple, a raspberry pi, a breakout garden sensor mount, and as many sensors as I am willing to fly to Austin. The software stack is Python and Java, Apache Pulsar, MQTT, HTML, JQuery, and Apache Kafka.

0️⃣ How to Monitor a Conference (Or Anywhere Really)

Here is your menu of tasty monitoring items, some need devices, add-ons, antennas, and sensors, and some just some code. I bounce around between Python, Java, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, and Low Code with Apache NiFi. Pick any 3 for mega monitoring.

It worked in San Francisco…. It can work in Austin. And it did!

You do not need some giant cluster to get started. You can have a Raspberry Pi, a Laptop, a Jetson Nano, or some old Linux machine.

1️⃣ Air Quality

Let’s use the new Spring to read a ton of Air Quality data for the area. Send to Pulsar via All the Protocols?~!! This is a REST feed, no extra equipment is needed.

* https://github.com/tspannhw/spring-pulsar-airquality
* https://github.com/tspannhw/airquality
* https://github.com/tspannhw/airquality-kafka-consumer
* https://github.com/tspannhw/airquality-mqtt-consumer
* https://github.com/tspannhw/FLiPN-AirQuality-REST
* https://medium.com/@tspann/timeplus-plus-pulsar-is-pure-perfection-a1a4d253031f
* https://github.com/tspannhw/pulsar-airquality-timeplus
* https://github.com/tspannhw/FLiPN-AirQuality-Checks
* https://github.com/tspannhw/airquality-datastore
* https://github.com/tspannhw/airquality-amqp-consumer

2️⃣ Weather

Let’s use Apache NiFi to read all the US weather and sent it to Pulsar.

* https://medium.com/@tspann/parsing-weather-feeds-to-add-to-real-time-streams-ec5ecc2849fb
* https://github.com/tspannhw/pulsar-weather-function
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PO15zb7irg

3️⃣ Temperature, Barometric Pressure, Humidity Near My Shirt

Let’s Monitor Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and Humidity very local via a small sensor and send out via MQTT


4️⃣ Local Air Quality

With a more powerful Raspberry Pi, I can monitor even more local items.

* https://github.com/tspannhw/FLiP-Pi-DeltaLake-Thermal
* https://medium.com/@tspann/apache-pulsar-edge-iot-applications-with-python-for-tvoc-2424a79a8ada

5️⃣ Let’s consume all the conference tweets

I am looking at the new Twitter Java SDK v2 to send to Apache Pulsar.

* https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Community-Articles/Parsing-Any-Document-with-Apache-NiFi-1-5-with-Apache-Tika/ta-p/247672
* https://www.datainmotion.dev/2020/04/streaming-data-with-cloudera-data-flow.html

Twitter Terms: #Current22 #KafkaSummit
Twitter API v2 — setup a rule

curl “https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/stream/rules" -H “Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN”
{“data”:[{“id”:”1575560079515983872",”value”:” #kafkasummit OR #current22 OR retweets_of:PaasDev”,”tag”:”conferencetags”}],”meta”:{“sent”:”2022–09–30T16:13:12.528Z”,”result_count”:1}}

6️⃣ Planes, Trains, and Autos…. Actually just planes.

ADSB-Y transponders from planes can be read with a simple USB adapter and antenna attached to a Raspberry Pi.

* https://dzone.com/articles/tracking-aircraft-in-real-time-with-apache-pulsar
* https://github.com/tspannhw/FLiP-Py-ADS-B
* https://github.com/tspannhw/pulsar-adsb-function
* https://medium.com/@tspann/tracking-aircraft-in-real-time-with-open-source-554124125011

7️⃣ Let’s Monitor the Electric We Use Today

Required: HS-110 TP-Link Monitoring Device, Python 3, Apache Pulsar
Optional: Apache Spark SQL, Trino, Apache Flink SQL, Pulsar Functions, InfluxDB

* https://github.com/tspannhw/FLiP-Py-Energy
* https://medium.com/@tspann/lets-monitor-our-own-energy-usage-e8feefd5a3b1

8️⃣ I have also monitored these data sources:

* Transit Feeds https://github.com/tspannhw/FLiP-Transit
* Subways, Trains, and Buses
* Live Traffic Cameras
* Local Cameras
* Thermal Camera
* License Plates
* GPS Data
* NFTs
* BitCoin andCryptocurrency
* Stock Data
* Any data, any time, many protocols, really fast

9️⃣ Display Live Streaming Data in The Easy Open Source Way

**Required: WebSockets, Plain HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Apache Pulsar, Topics of Data**

* https://medium.com/@tspann/using-apache-pulsar-websockets-for-real-time-messaging-in-front-end-applications-cf0ac2d80d10

1️⃣0️⃣ Join the Streams!!!!

With Flink SQL it’s easy.

* https://github.com/tspannhw/FLiP-Py-ADS-B/blob/main/join.md
* https://github.com/tspannhw/pulsar-weather-function

‘type’ = ‘pulsar’,
‘service-url’ = ‘pulsar://pulsar1:6650’,
‘admin-url’ = ‘http://pulsar1:8080',
‘format’ = ‘json’

USE catalog pulsar;

set table.dynamic-table-options.enabled = true;

select COALESCE(location,station_id,’?’) || ‘ ‘ || cast(lat as string) || ‘,’ || cast(lon as string) as PlaneLocation,
cast(latitude as string)|| ‘,’ || cast(longitude as string) as WeatherLocation,
COALESCE(flight,’-’,’-’) || ‘ * ‘ || COALESCE(hex, ‘-’,’-’) as FlightNum,
cast(alt_baro as string) || ‘ / ‘ || cast(alt_geom as string) as Altitude,
gs as Speed,
temperature_string || weather as Weather,
mach, pressure_string, dewpoint_string, heat_index_string, wind_string, baro_rate,
NOW() as now
FROM aircraft /*+ OPTIONS(‘scan.startup.mode’ = ‘earliest’) */,
aircraftweather /*+ OPTIONS(‘scan.startup.mode’ = ‘earliest’) */
WHERE (aircraft.lat > aircraftweather.latitude — 0.1)
and (aircraft.lat < aircraftweather.latitude + 0.1)
and (aircraft.lon < aircraftweather.longitude + 0.1)
and (aircraft.lon > aircraftweather.longitude — 0.1);

We can run lots of queries with Pulsar SQL (Trino/Presto) or Spark SQL as well.

You can do a lot of different SQL against Pulsar since we have schemas on our data.

select avg(`current`) as AvgCurrent,
max(voltage) as MaxVoltage,
max(`power`) as MaxPower,
from electric
group by model;

select max(alt_baro) as MaxAltitudeFeet, min(alt_baro) as MinAltitudeFeet, avg(alt_baro) as AvgAltitudeFeet,
max(alt_geom) as MaxGAltitudeFeet, min(alt_geom) as MinGAltitudeFeet, avg(alt_geom) as AvgGAltitudeFeet,
max(gs) as MaxGroundSpeed, min(gs) as MinGroundSpeed, avg(gs) as AvgGroundSpeed,
count(alt_baro) as RowCount,
hex as ICAO, flight as IDENT
from aircraft
group by flight, hex;


* https://2022.currentevent.io/website/39543/speakers/
* https://2022.currentevent.io/website/39543/agenda/
* https://github.com/tspannhw/FLiPStackWeekly
* https://github.com/tspannhw/FLiPN-DEVNEXUS-2022
* https://www.flipstack.dev/
* https://dzone.com/users/297029/bunkertor.html
* https://github.com/riferrei/is-using-kop-a-good-idea



Tim Spann

Principal Developer Advocate, Zilliz. Milvus, Attu, Towhee, GenAI, Big Data, IoT, Deep Learning, Streaming, Machine Learning. https://www.datainmotion.dev/