Tech Week — Soft Meetup Debut — June 2024

Tim Spann
6 min readJun 5, 2024


Milvus, Unstructured Data, NYC Meetup, Tech Week, Gen AI, Big Data

NY #TechWeek

The size, diversity and strength of the New York Tech community is awe inspiring. The amount of events going on throughout the city was something to see. You add to that all the great visitors to our fine city and it makes for an amazing time.

Oh did I mention during our trip between venues last night, we met the world’s friendliest hotel worker.

I invited him to the meetup, but unfortunately he is stuck in the past with old technology. One day my friend, one day, you can join your bird cousins and fly in the Unstructured Data Clouds with Milvus.

It’s so easy, all it takes is a quick install and get going:

pip install pymilvus

We joined the 100s of events in New York City that day to have an open discussion on Gen AI, Vector Databases and Unstructured Data. Despite some logistics we got to have a pretty cool discussion.

Prasad led some great discussions on data, fine tuning models and why Milvus is a great option for many use cases. Prasad runs a great Gen AI meetup at Princeton University.

Howe Wang was a great participant in our round table discussion and I am sure Procure.FYI’s co-founder will make a great speaker and participant at upcoming events.

I used the following slides as a guide through our discussion of big data, real-time data, unstructured data, AI, vector databases and the differentiation of Milvus.

As one expects during a Vector Database dicussion, RAG came up a lot so I wanted to drop in this amazing recent Advanced RAG talk on the west coast by our friend LlamaIndex.

It takes a community to build out great outcomes and between Manhattan, Princeton and our global group of virtual community participants we will do some amazing things this year and beyond. I am hoping to announce very shortly that our future events will be hosted at an amazing venue in Hudson Yards by an awesome partner.

We keep things rolling into Princeton next week on June 13, 2024 for a joint event with Startup Grind Princeton.

Princeton is the focus for a lot of innovative AI and that will be growing more with the latest investments.

While back to Manhattan, I will be speaking at the amazing AI Camp NYC hosted at Microsoft NYC — Times Square on June 20, 2024.

I will also be speaking virtual on combinging structured and unstructured data with real-time transit, large language models and vector databases at the Budapest Data + ML Forum on June 12, 2024.

At nearly the same time I also have a talk at the Data Science Summit ML Edition 2024 on June 13th virtually.

This new journey at Zilliz will be amazing, I can’t wait for everyone to experience the power of Open Source Vector Databases and Unstructured Data Processing with AI.

I recommend you get a jump and join our groups so you will be ready to sign up for events starting in July.


I recommend reading some of the latest interesting articles on Milvus, Gen AI and Unstructured Data.



Tim Spann

Principal Developer Advocate, Zilliz. Milvus, Attu, Towhee, GenAI, Big Data, IoT, Deep Learning, Streaming, Machine Learning.