Rocket Factory
5 min readOct 27, 2021

Continuous Improvement is an approach to manufacturing where incremental change in every process streamlines the system as a whole. It is the method we use in the Rocket Factory. Phase II is approaching, and we are making major improvements to prepare for the Mothership’s arrival.


We’ve built a strong community together. From the Test Flight Crew, to Rocket Engineers, to our brave Astronauts currently orbiting the globe — we together are the Rocket Factory. You are reading this because you care about this project. We are writing this because we care about this community. You’ve been speaking and we’ve been listening. We are shaping the future of the Rocket Factory together. Here is how we are going to transform the Rocket Factory.


We’ve launched 55 Rockets into orbit from two continents. We’ve connected as a community IRL. Each Rocket Launch is an opportunity to create a completely unique experience. We owe it to the community to ensure that every single Launch Event is a spectacular moment.

We’ve realized that the Launch schedule we outlined is selling our community short. We’ve reassessed the frequency, and scale, of our Launches going forward. We need to guarantee more advanced notice, be more discerning about locations so we can be more confident about recovery, and improve the process after Launch (updating metadata, shipping and shredding). We have plans for launching 100 Rockets at some locations, and only one or a handful at another. We need to ensure the highest quality of experience for all of us, and that means fewer, better, launches overall. The launch schedule is being completely reworked, and we will post an updated schedule in the coming days.


Shipping Rockets back and forth between continents takes a long time, but rest assured — all recovered Physical Rockets have made it safely back to the Rocket Factory.

As we streamline our Launch Schedule, our Post Launch Processing will become much more efficient. We strive to have all metadata created, and updated within a week of Launch. Shipping will follow within 2 weeks of Recovery. Stats on the number of Donated, Shipped, and Shredded Rockets will be shared soon. We are committed to Continuous Improvement. We are still catching up. We are close.


We put great effort and consideration into every Medium article. To make sure they meet the quality we all expect from the Rocket Factory, we will be releasing Medium articles only surrounding major updates.

We will still keep our weekly AMA on Discord, which will be returning- soon. We will be working with CAPCOM (Discord Mods) and you all to decide a time which works best for the community. We will be announcing each weekly AMA at least 24 hours in advance.



We have been deep in development of Phase II for the last several months. Get ready — the Whitepaper is coming next week. Those of you who participated in this Genesis NFT Project will be the ones who travel with us to other worlds, mine, and bring the next Phase of NFTs back to earth. In Phase I we pushed the blockchain in new directions, we will be testing the limits once again … The Mothership draws near. Stay tuned.


The ‘Test Flight Crew’ Patch will be transferable, and tradable for a window of time beginning October 27th at 6:00PM ET to November 1st at 6:00PM ET. If you missed the opportunity to mint, or would prefer to move your Patch to a different wallet — this will be your only chance.


There are countless events taking place during NFT.NYC — we don’t want a Rocket Launch event to get lost in the noise. That being said, we are waiting on Clearance for a one-off Rocket Launch at an epic, classified, location. Our fingers are crossed.

On November 1st, we will be announcing an IRL Rocket Component Scavenger Hunt taking place across New York City. Follow @tsrocketfactory on Twitter to access the clues. Find the Physical Component, bring it to us, and the NFT is yours. The experience will run from November 1st to the 3rd, and is open to anyone who wishes to participate. For those who can’t make it to New York, there will be 3 giveaway contests on the @tsrocketfactory Twitter.

The Rocket Factory will be hosting a one hour meet-and-greet in SoHo on Thursday, November 4 from 5:00- 6:00 PM ET. All Rocket, Component, and Patch NFT holders are welcome to attend. Details will be announced Wednesday, November 3rd.

All week, we will be hosting some of the greatest minds in the NFT community at the Rocket Factory HQ. We’re excited to share and grow our community.

Additionally, the Rocket Factory will be speaking as part of Face2Face at the Triad Theatre on Tuesday, November 2nd from 2:00–6:00 PM EDT. We will share a link to purchase tickets on the Rocket Factory Twitter soon. We’re hoping to discuss some exciting new developments…


We will be announcing our brand new web3.0 store in December. We are building an e-commerce site which gives access based on the Rocket Factory NFTs you hold in your wallet. More information will be announced in December.


CAPCOM is the interface between Mission Control on earth and Astronauts in space. In the Rocket Factory, CAPCOM moderates the Discord. They are an extension of our eyes and ears. They are an extension of our voice. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our CAPCOM team:

Samuel — SDG#0763







DexPistols (6,9)#4298

CAPCOM have been instrumental in shaping our strategy for streamlining the Rocket Factory, offering suggestions, critique, help, and support. We are grateful to have this kickass team by our side. In the Rocket Factory, the reward for good work is more work… and there will be plenty of that — but sometimes the reward is also matching CAPCOM GANG Frankenrocket Components, and our Distinguished Service medal the ‘MOD Patch.’

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Rocket Factory

Tom Sachs: Rocket Factory is a trans-dimensional manufacturing plant. Our Rocket Factory uses NFTs to build new NFTs.