What are the different types of cold store panels available?



Cold storage panels are crucial building materials for cold storage facilities because they offer the insulation required to maintain particular temperature conditions. Proper cold store panels are essential for industrial, medicinal, and food preservation applications. In this post, we’ll examine the several kinds of cold storage panels that are available and emphasize their advantages. With a large selection of these panels, TSSC guarantees premium solutions for all cold storage requirements.

Metal panels with insulation

Insulated aluminium is one of the most often used kinds of cold store panels. They are composed of two metal sheets, commonly aluminium or steel, enclosing a stiff foam core. These panels offer outstanding durability, structural strength, and thermal insulation.

Insulated metal panels’ advantages

Thermal Efficiency: The excellent thermal resistance of these panels contributes to stable temperature maintenance.

Durability: The metal exterior guards against environmental factors and physical harm.

Installation Ease: They are made to be simple to install quickly, cutting down on building time and expenses.

To meet various cold storage needs, it provides a range of insulated metal panels that guarantee the best performance and energy economy.

Panels made of polyurethane (PU)

Another popular selection in the creation of cold storage facilities is polyurethane panels. To create a very effective insulating barrier, polyurethane foam is injected between two metal or non-metal surfaces to make these panels.

Polyurethane Panel Benefits

High Insulation Value: Offering exceptional thermal insulation, polyurethane foam has one of the highest R-values per inch.

Lightweight: PU panels are simple to manage and implement since of their small weight, which belies their efficiency.

Cost-Effective: These panels are a popular option for cold storage projects because they provide an excellent mix of cost and performance.

The polyurethane panel line from TSSC is made to fit various cold storage requirements while maintaining excellent energy efficiency and long-term dependability.

Pans made of polyisocyanurate (PIR)

Compared to polyurethane panels, polyisocyanurate panels have better thermal and fire performance. Polyisocyanurate foam is combined with metal or other elements to create these panels.

Crucial Elements of Polyisocyanurate Sheets

Enhanced Fire Resistance: PIR panels can withstand fires more intensely than PU panels, which makes them appropriate for circumstances in which stringent fire safety rules are necessary.

Excellent Thermal Insulation: They offer superior thermal insulation and ideal temperature management in cold storage facilities.

Durability: These panels able to withstand harsh weather conditions since they are solid and long-lasting.

With improved safety features and good thermal performance, it’s PIR panels provide a reliable and effective option for cold storage facilities.

Polystyrene Expanded Panels (EPS)

Polystyrene beads are blown into sheets and then moulded into expanded polystyrene panels. These panels are renowned for being affordable and straightforward in various cold storage applications.

Advantages of EPS Panels

Cost-Effective: Compared to other cold store panels, EPS panels are often less costly, making them cost-effective.

Lightweight: Because they are lightweight, handling and installation are more accessible.

Sound Insulation: Although EPS panels don’t perform as well as PU or PIR panels, they are still sufficient for many cold storage applications in terms of thermal insulation.

Offering a dependable and affordable insulation option, it’s EPS panels are perfect for projects on a tight budget.

Panels with vacuum insulation (VIPs)

The state-of-the-art insulation there is representation of technology by vacuum-insulated panels. These panels create a vacuum that significantly decreases heat transmission since they are made of a core substance surrounded by an airtight envelope.

Vacuum Insulated Panel Benefits

Superior Insulation: VIPs have the best thermal insulation performance per inch among all panel types.

Space-Saving: Thinner panels are possible because of their excellent efficiency, which helps free up important space in the cold storage facility.

Longevity: VIPs continue to have their insulating qualities for a considerable amount of time.

VIPs from TSSC, while being more costly, are perfect for situations where space conservation and optimum thermal efficiency are essential.

In summary

Selecting the appropriate kind of cold store panels is essential to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of your cold storage establishment. There is a response that satisfies your needs, whether you a response that satisfies your needs of VIPs, the high insulation value of polyurethane panels, the fire resistance of PIR panels, or the affordability of EPS panels. TSSC offers a wide variety of cold store panels, all of they are designed to offer outstanding dependability and performance.

Read more about What technologies can help with temperature control in warehouses.



Technical Supplies & Services Co.

TSSC is the largest manufacturer of insulated panels for roofing and cladding.