Anyone else have their mortgage sold to

26 min readMar 29, 2019


Anyone else have their mortgage sold to

I’m just curious. I originally opened my mortgage with USAA, who, in my opinion are a great company. Within the first two months, they had sold my mortgage to a company who’s website is I ALWAYS have trouble logging on to their site. They say the password is incorrect, sometimes they say the security questions are incorrect and after I have them mail me a new password, it will say that one is incorrect. I have to go through this everytime I want to access my account. Anyone else out there experience this too? And I know I’m entering the correct info., after about the forth time this happened, I would write everything down to be sure I entered the correct info. the next time I went to log on.

Answer : I might suggest one to try this site where you can compare from the best companies: .

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“Anyone else have their mortgage sold to

I’m just curious. I originally opened my mortgage with USAA, who, in my opinion are a great company. Within the first two months, they had sold my mortgage to a company who’s website is I ALWAYS have trouble logging on to their site. They say the password is incorrect, sometimes they say the security questions are incorrect and after I have them mail me a new password, it will say that one is incorrect. I have to go through this everytime I want to access my account. Anyone else out there experience this too? And I know I’m entering the correct info., after about the forth time this happened, I would write everything down to be sure I entered the correct info. the next time I went to log on.

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Do you think the free credit commercial guy is kinda cute?
idk i just watched one of the commercials. && i’m really bored so i decided to ask a question, and i couldn’t think of one. until i watched the commercial. “”
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Looking for a loan for bankruptcy redemption?
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Online Auto Financing Post Bankruptcy?
We filed bankruptcy chapter 7 but kept our truck and the loan with it. The payment is almost $500 a month and is financed at 12.75% and with the gas milage being only 10mpg we can not afford it. We need a lower payment & a more fuel efficient & reliable vehicle. Our truck is worth about $25000 & we owe $18000 & have a $500-$1000 to put down on top of that. Sorry for the long question but I want to get approved or pre-approved before wasting time sitting around a dealership all day. Does anyone know of a Reputable online auto lender I could use? I have already applied twice and have heard nothing back & these were online auto loans bad credit, & bankruptcy. Also would a Co-Signer help?? Thanks to all of you that read this long question & any infor or help you can give would be SOOOO Appreciated..””

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My credit score is horrible 510 to be honest. Does anyone know some easy tricks to raise my score fast?
I would like to buy a house within the next couple of years but don’t want to buy with a credit score like that. Please help!
Is citibank a good mortgage lender?
Has anyone had problems getting a home loan through citibank?
Best credit card to build credit with?
I’m a 25 yr old male. I live in Alabama. I have no credit at all, if I do it MIGHT be SLIGHTLY bad (if any). I’m trying to build my credit by getting a credit card. Example on how I plan on using it is by, say, I have $20 on me for gas. I put that $20 in the credit card piggy bank’ and use the card and pay it off at the end of the month to build credit. Which would be the best credit card for me to apply for?””””””

Can I qualify for a home loan with a low credit score?
My husband and and I are ready to buy a home for the first time. We have all of our debt paid off with the exception of a truck loan and student loan debt. My employer is paying off my student loans over a 5 year period and I have four more years to go until those are completely paid. We make $96,000.00/year and have credit scores in the low to mid 600’s (Stupid mistakes from younger years). We are looking to buy a house for around $290,000 and have 3.5% down. I am wondering if it will be possible for us to qualify for a home loan with this credit score and what the interest rate would be if we were to do this right now? Thanks for your help in advance!””
Has anyone ever sucessfully finished a chapter 13 bankruptcy?
I’m in Texas, so other Texans opinions would help. I filed for bankruptcy almost a year ago and have been doing great making payments, but the mortgage company has decided to throw their hat in and even though payments were being made the trustee and judge saw fit to triple the amount I was already paying. I hear a lot of people filing for Chapter 7, but I haven’t heard of anyone finishing a Chapter 13. I have four more years on this and would be encouraged if anyone has a success story about finishing their Chapter 13 payments for the full term. I would appreciate if cynics kept their snide comments to themselves.””
Is 619 a bad credit score for an auto loan?
I have a 619 credit score. I want to finance a car that is 21k, but I’m not sure if I have the credit. I make about 3k a month before taxes and I only have one credit card that is secured that I had for only a month. I know I won’t know 100% if I will be accepted until I go to the dealership but I was looking for some opinions.””
“Anyone else have their mortgage sold to

I’m just curious. I originally opened my mortgage with USAA, who, in my opinion are a great company. Within the first two months, they had sold my mortgage to a company who’s website is I ALWAYS have trouble logging on to their site. They say the password is incorrect, sometimes they say the security questions are incorrect and after I have them mail me a new password, it will say that one is incorrect. I have to go through this everytime I want to access my account. Anyone else out there experience this too? And I know I’m entering the correct info., after about the forth time this happened, I would write everything down to be sure I entered the correct info. the next time I went to log on.

Is a 80/20 mortgage a good or bad idea? Or is it better to put money down on a home?

Private loan (loan shark) in Nottingham?
Any ideas for 400 quid? Can’t get payday loans!
How can i run a free credit check on myself or others maybe is it legal?

How long does it take before a collection acct is taken off of your credit report?
I have a collection account that has been on my credit since 3/03. I have disputed it several times because the amount is wrong. How long does it take to fall off of your credit?
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Are there any legitimate financial institutions out there that give loans to individuals with troubled credit?

Where Can I get a loan with low credit?
My car has broke down and I don’t have money to have it repaired. The estimate is like 2000.I tried my bank but declined. I got low credit. Haven’t been able to establish any credit. Been trying. Even charge cards. Can anyone tell me anywhere I might be able get something? My sister in law offered to help but my husband doesn’t like borrowing off family past experience. I live in Northeast Pa.It is really hurting cause we have no car to get back n forth to work have use public transportation except weekends rent a car which is costly. I been searching online n I don’t feel right putting my info online to a unsafe site. i don’t have bad credit just not much.I searched for payday loans but they don’t loan out that much.Credit Unions want ya to be a member. Which won’t matter if you don’t get loan anyways.This is very frustrating.The car is at a garage now waiting on us. So That is why I may seem impatient. If anyone could help anything would be appreciated.Thank you


Preparing for Auto Loan?
I have just about paid off my car, and will want to buy a new car later in the year. My credit score is in the low 500’s right now, and husbands is in low-mid 600’s. I’m trying to pay off some of my credit card debt (I have 3 cards with about 2300.00 in debt), and our secured installment loans (have 4, at around 4000). We only like around 5 more months to have the installment loans paid off and the cc debt paid down (not off). I’m trying to do all this to have a better debt/income ratio. I think my vehicle will be worth around 4000 at trade in. We also have a mortgage (175,000) and another auto loan (24,000) and have established credit for 10 years. Bad thing is we have a bankruptcy that is 6 years old. What are my chances of getting an auto loan? I know that the interest rate will be higher than I’d like, but I just don’t want to deal with the hassle at the car dealership and them trying to get me to buy a different car…. We make 75K per year. ADVICE PLEASE!””

How do home equity loans work?

Accounting Question: Adjusting Entries?
Uhura Resort Trial Balance August 31, 2010 Cash: Debit 19,600 Prepaid Insurance: Debit 4,500 Supplies: Debit 2,600 Land: Debit 20,000 Cottages: Debit 120,000 Furniture: Debit 16,000 Accounts Payable: Credit: 4,500 Unearned Rent Revenue: Credit 4,600 Mortgage Payable: Credit 50,000 Common Stock: Credit 91,000 Retained Earnings: Credit 9,000 Dividends: Debit 5,000 Rent Revenue: Credit 86,200 Salaries Expense: Debit 44,800 Utilities Expense: Debit 9,200 Repair Expense: Debit 3,600 Both Net Incomes are 245,300 1. The balance in prepaid insurance is a one-year premium paid on June 1, 2010 2. An inventory count on August 31 shows $650 of supplies on hand 3. Annual depreciation rates are cottages (4%) and furniture (10%). Salvage value is estimated to be 10% of cost. 4. Unearned Rent Revenue of $3,800 was earned prior to August 31 5. Salaries of $375 were unpaid at August 31 6. Rentals of $800 were due from tenants at August 31 7. The mortgage interest rate is 8% per year (a) Journalize the adjusting entrieson August 31 for the 3-month period June 1-August 31 (b) Prepare an adjusted trial balance on August 31.””
Auto loan for people with no credit?
I am in serious need of a used car and have no credit. I have tried a lot of places and can’t find anyone who can help. Is it even possible? I don’t have time to get a credit card and pay it off to build credit. I have a steady job and live with my parents. That’s it. What do you think my best option is? Buy a car for under $1000? Save up and buy a car for 2k? Or is there really a place that can help me get financed? That’s really what I want to do and I have no cosigner. They have bad credit and don’t want to help me.
What mortgage company gives the best interest rates to someone after bankruptcy?
and…. if you don’t know of a bank to refer me to, please don’t bother answering. the 2 answers below are useless.””
If i paid an attorney to file abnkruptcy for me…?
I paid an attorney $1500 to file bankruptcy. He never gave me an agreement to sign or anything. Well it has been two months. I havent gotten a credit report and he said he would set some things up, never did. I called asking for a refund b/c I have some medical problems and my medical bills are going up, so I am wanting to wait until next year. but he has not called back. Am I entitled to any type of a refund? We only met once?””

Will paying off my motorcycle greatly improve my credit score?
also to add to the 2nd comment. I am myself… I was stupid for letting it go that long. But I got lazy and with a $100 a month payment its hard to not get lazy and just pay that. I am about to graduate and lately have just been paying chunks on it. I like that example you gave. It is strict but good advice. I will try to follow that the best I can when getting a car right now. Thanks everyone who has helped so far.
If a person is under house arrest?How do they make money to pay their mortgage?
If a person was to be under house arrest.How do they make any money to pay their bills? Their mortgage? and buy groceries? I understand they wear a bracelet. Is the prisoner supported through Tax Dollars and their bills are paid? I was wondering how it works.
Will my credit score change?
I had 9–11 credit cards that were close to being maxed out. I borrowed 16K and paid them all off to a zero balance. i also ripped up the cards but didnt close the accounts. Technically I still owe 16K but not to my credit union as opposed to various cards. Will this instantly make my credit score go up or will it gradually go up monthly since I am eating away at the loan debt? Just curious? I am on a two yr plan to get a 750+ credit score. I am at 636 right now. I HAVE NEVER BEEN LATE ON A CARD PAYMENT. Also is there any legitimate and safe sites where I can check my score now and again in like 6 months?
Can you conslidate payday loans someone help?

How can i check my credit or who i owe money to without paying?

Free credit reports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
is there any website that i can go to to get a freed credit report without having to put in my credit card info? I cant seem to find one plz help thanks
Debt and funding sollutions?
i have debts totaling 1800 and also need extra funding for equipment for a course CompTIA A+ i cant afford the repayments on the 1800 at the minuet they are spread over 3 bills and i am unemployed receiving benefits as we have just had a child…. any suggestions on how to solve this ?

“Anyone else have their mortgage sold to

I’m just curious. I originally opened my mortgage with USAA, who, in my opinion are a great company. Within the first two months, they had sold my mortgage to a company who’s website is I ALWAYS have trouble logging on to their site. They say the password is incorrect, sometimes they say the security questions are incorrect and after I have them mail me a new password, it will say that one is incorrect. I have to go through this everytime I want to access my account. Anyone else out there experience this too? And I know I’m entering the correct info., after about the forth time this happened, I would write everything down to be sure I entered the correct info. the next time I went to log on.

Is there a site that is free to check your credit score!?

How can I get a good auto loan APR. 10pts?
So I applied for a loan through Capital One and they gave me an outrageous quote of 12%. I was talking with a dealer and am on the fence about whether I want to buy his car but he was able to get me an interest rate of 6.9% through a bank his dealership works through. How can I get a comparable rate without going through a dealer? Thanks
Auto loan + insurance?
My son’s car loan is in his name — he’s away for 1 year or so. I had him removed from the insurance because he has tickets and a higher rate. My husband and I are drivers — car is fully insured. Dealership tells me to put son back on as driver. Why? Car pmts are being made and car is fully insured. I’ll even provide affidavit stating son won’t be here to drive.
How to build credit? ?
I’m 19, have no credit, and my parents say I don’t need it. Hm, I decided I want to build it anyway. I can’t get a credit card because I have no credit or cosigner, not even a student card! Also my dad froze my credit so it can’t be stolen, so now I either pay to undo that or try finding other ways to build it. How else can I build my credit if I can’t get a credit card? I’m 19, make about $300–400/week, and am really curious what I can do to build my credit.dent card! Also my dad froze my credit so it can’t be stolen, so now I either pay to undo that or try finding other ways to build it. How else can I build my credit if I can’t get a credit card? I’m 19, make about $300–400/week, and am really curious what I can do to build my credit.””
Where can I find a guaranteed auto loan fast with bad credit that I can trust?
I am young and have very little to bad credit so they have to guarantee approval. I need to take out a loan to cover the difference on a car I found. Its from a personal seller so I need a lender that doesn’t have to go through a dealership. He is holding the car for 2 weeks so they have to be fast. I’ve looked online and found several places that sounded good but there were so many that I didn’t know where to start and who to believe. I think online would be easiest and quickest so if you will, please let me know your experiences ASAP Also I live in south Mississippi so that could eliminate some due to distance. ANY help is GREATLY appreciated, thank you. and please no long lectures about bringing my credit score up, I am working on it but i need the money now.””
Is it possible to get multiple car title loans?
I know this isn’t the best way to go about this. I have been analyzing my situation for a long time now and if this isn’t too risky this is what I would like to do. I want to get a car title loan, but because of the spot I’m in, I was wondering if it is possible to get a second title loan as well from another lender? I know that a person can have multiple payday loan lenders so it is the same for title loans?””
What is the best starter credit card for a college student looking to build good credit (job: babysitter)?
What is the best starter credit card for a college student looking to build good credit (my occupation”””” is babysitter)? I’ve researched so many cards online and can’t find a non-bias answer to my question. Thank you for any help you can give me!””””””
Filing Bankruptcy?
My son needs to file bankruptcy. He is trying to straighten out his life and he needs to get his credit in order after bad relationship and some not so smart moves when he was younger. He is 27 and of course he doesn’t have hardly any money, and I told him I had heard that one can file it basically themselves and not pay an attorney. I used to have a ton of paperwork on this subject but that has been long ago and thngs have changed. I know I could do it for him if I had a reputible place to help me through it. Anyone know of a free or cheap place for us to start? This is not a complicated one either because he has nothing, just all of the bills. I have most of them. Thanks for reading, your knowledge is greatly appreciated.””

How can i stop a payday loan from calling my job?

Credit cards for 20 year olds?
Just turned 20. And I m starting to apply for credit cards. I work full time. Making any where between $800- $1000 a month. I know it s not much. And most places won t approve because of it being so low. If someone wants to give me some sort of guidance and point me in the right direction in the best credit card. Let me know
Can you renegotiate your auto loan contract?
i bought a car yesterday and i am happy overall with my purchase i just want to remove the fancy alarm system and also the gap protection. is there any way i can remove those 2 things from my auto loan?
Does any one know or know of if there is a company that can help you bring a mortgage to current?
have to go into bankruptcy to keep home out of forclosure,need help trying to get mortage to current stausus,have a better job ,and need help””
Need help finding someone to give me a loan?
ok here it is for the last 10 years I been working for a cab co here in arizona. To work for the taxi co we have to rent the cabs for 110 dollars for 24 hours. Will I’m tired of paying $2640 a month and busting my butt to make them money. So my father in law gave me $2000 to start my own cab. So after buying all the things for the taxi. I ran out of money to finish. I ended up short on the 3rd to last thing I need to get the taxi going. To finish my own taxi i need to come up with $1400 more dollars. But I only have 500 left after getting the taxi ready. So i need to come up with 900 more dollars. These are the places I’ve tryed Payday loans ( can’t get any loans because there closing all stores in arizona ) My bank ( got turned down ) Family ( no luck ) Friends ( there just poor as me ) I know you saying I could just save, But after I pay all my bills theres nothing left to save. So I need help on any ideas on getting the money and so you know I don’t have good credit””
“”Motorcycle was stolen in 2008, I had no insurance. Help?””
It was stolen a few months after we (husband and I) bought it. We did not put any insurance on the bike. We have been paying for the last three years. Unfortunately, our three year introductory payment is up. Now we have to pay 500/mo. We simply can not afford that for a vehicle we don’t even own. Anyone with same situation? How can I get out of this mess? I really don’t want this to hit our credit!””
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Can financial aid cover off campus housing?
i just finished my fafsa and my Expected Family Contribution (EFC) =$0 will it cover the cost or at least part of the cost of living off campus? i know that student loans will but if i dont need to go that way i really dont want to. thanks try to help as much as you can

Can you get an auto loan on a vehicle with a restored salvage title?
Restored salvage not salvage. Thanks.
“”Can i get a credit card after a bankruptcy, which one?

I do qualify for bankruptcy but lawyer wants 1500 dollars.I am out of work and have no money.?

How can I find out my current credit rating\score?

“”Credit cards limits, and credit history?””
how many credit card you have? I’m 20 years, and student, I work part time, and make 15000 per year, i have few questions about my credit cards, I bought a new car two months ago with my mom as a cosigner, I remember they pulled out my score and that was ficco (transunion) 666, right now i have 4 credit cards with the limit of 1800,1000,750,600. The 1800 is the oldest one, I was surprized i applied for American Express zync today and they approve me , i was totally shocked, Is that fine to have 6 7 credit cards? and how much that american express are going to give me as a limit? and last question is my credit history is limited because i am new here i just got my first credit car 1 year ago, and i came to america like 3 years ago. when they gonna remove that LIMITED CREDIT”””” from my report?””””””
Would every bank account you have ever had appear on your credit score rating?
I have two accounts I have used for the whole of my life (mortgages, credit cards, etc) However when I was 15 I opened a braclays account to get free cinema tickets This was at an address I only lived at for a few months and is not in anyway associated with where my other mortgages, loans, cards etc are kept Will this appear on my credit rating? How thorough are they?””
How to get small personal loan with no credit history?
How can i get a small personal loan ($3,000) with no credit history without a co-signer? I have tried to get one thru my bank an they said no. How can i get one without a co-signer? I dont care how much the APR is, i just need it now. I’m 21 with limited credit (a phone bill, and a cable bill)””
“Anyone else have their mortgage sold to

I’m just curious. I originally opened my mortgage with USAA, who, in my opinion are a great company. Within the first two months, they had sold my mortgage to a company who’s website is I ALWAYS have trouble logging on to their site. They say the password is incorrect, sometimes they say the security questions are incorrect and after I have them mail me a new password, it will say that one is incorrect. I have to go through this everytime I want to access my account. Anyone else out there experience this too? And I know I’m entering the correct info., after about the forth time this happened, I would write everything down to be sure I entered the correct info. the next time I went to log on.

