Strength leads to size. Temporarily set aside your bodybuilding workout in exchange for this two-month strength phase, and watch your muscle gains soar!

Crack open an exercise-science textbook and you’ll see that the optimal rep range for building muscle is 8–12 reps. But even if you’re looking to build maximal muscle size, training for periods of time like a powerlifter — that is, training for strength — rather than a bodybuilder can have greater long-term benefits on muscle size. You may not want to build a powerlifter’s physique, but having the strength of the strongest man in your gym is going to have some serious hypertrophic consequences.

Why does powerlifting training give you a long-term muscle-building advantage? The answer is simple: The stronger you are, the more weight you can lift. Once you switch back to a muscle-building routine after spending time on strength, you’ll be stronger across the board. Read More…

