The profit and harm of cheese: how to save your health

4 min readJan 3, 2018


Holidays are always full of meals and delicious dishes. However, the most frequent product you can find on the festive table is a cheese. So many different sorts you can find, but sometimes this delicious product can be harmful for us. We have learned this question and now try to explain you how to save yourself from poisoning and admire the delicate taste of your favorite cheese during festive days.

What is the benefit of cheese?

· It makes you stronger

It’s well-known fact that cheese consists of proteins (25 g of proteins for 100 g of cheese). It’s a building material for our muscles, it increases the immune system, transfer the nerve impulses, participate in a process of growth, development and reconstruction of cells. People try to consume more proteins in order to make the muscles bigger.

· Makes your bones firmer

About 99% of calcium are saved in human’s teeth and bones, the rest 1% in blood and tissues. That’s why you need to include into your diet some products full of calcium in order to avoid the bone and teeth diseases. 100 g of cheese can increase the day dose of calcium! Exact quantity of these microelements depends on the sort of cheese. Hard pressed sorts of cheese like parmesan or cheddar have more calcium. Moreover, this product contains vitamin D, which help calcium to be better digested. This vitamin always is produced in human body thanks to sunbeams, so when it’s winter and there is no sun, you can just eat cheese.

· Gives the energy portion

The cheese contains vitamin B12, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells. These red blood cells deliver oxygen to tissues and organs. If the vitamin B12 in the human body is not enough, it starts to lack oxygen in the cells. It turns out that you need to eat cheese literally to breathe freely. Moreover, cheese is full of calories (300–400 calories per 100 g), so it can give you some energy.

· Protects heart and vessels

Yes, cheese contains fats and cholesterol, and this increases the burden on the heart. But recently, the consumption of dairy products and the risk of stroke have been revealed: a systematic review and an updated dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies that moderate consumption of cheese (about 25 grams per day), on the contrary, is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

· Improves the metabolism

The cheese contains useful bacteria that improve the intestinal microflora. And this allows the body to digest better than ever and assimilate various nutrients removing toxins.

What are the harmful aspects of cheese?

· It gets the blood pressure up

Most sorts of cheese are quite salty. The excessive intake of salt raises blood pressure, increases stress on the heart and blood vessels, shortens life. Health Risks and diseases associated with salt and sodium. So, if you decide to eat cheese, it is worth reducing the number of other salty foods in your menu.

· It spoils the figure

We should not forget that cheese contains a lot of fats, including saturated ones. Therefore, it cannot be called a dietary product and those who want to lose weight, as a rule, refuse it.

How to eat the cheese correctly?

For avoiding the problems with health after eating this product, you should eat it in small portions. Only some pieces per day (about 25g) will be enough for providing your body with healthy bacteria and will not disturb your heart and figure.

The hard pressed sorts of cheese have more proteins, fats, salt than pure sorts of cheese like ricotta or feta. Remember about this especially if you have some troubles with heart or vessels.

