Improve your Strategic Strength

Strategic management is the base for success in Table Tennis

3 min readJan 21, 2018

Why improve your Strategic Strength?

It’s not how well you open with the backhand, or how good are you at forehand counter-attacks, which gives you success in table tennis (although it may contribute).

It is your Strategic Strength that is the basis for your success, that is, reaching your goals. Your Strategic Strength is the foundation for all the other strengths you need, to be at your competitive edge.

How to improve your Strategic Strength?

When you wish to improve your Strategic Strength in Table Tennis, you need to focus at Strategic Management. You need to be good at Management. You need to be good at Strategy. You need to be good at managing your strategy.

Start being your own boss. Not until you do that well, you may continue in managing and coaching others, individuals, training groups, and teams.

To improve your strategic strength you improve your strategic management, your self-management in general, and your table tennis expertise. Your table tennis strategy focuses on development of your Physical, Technical, Tactical, and Mental strengths.

Other articles provide tools for

  • picturing your vision that gives you meaning, direction, and motivation
  • setting various goals, such as orientation goals, effect goals and performance targets, that are SMART — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
  • adapting the style of play to the conditions and requirements
  • selecting material
  • doing your current state analysis
  • planning effective training
  • elaborating your individual strategic action plan

Facts box

What is Management?

The four disciplines of management are Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling.

Planning is defining goals, establish strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities. This also means analyzing, make choice of path, taking decisions, making action plans, time planning, and more.

Organizing is determining what needs to be done, how it will be done and who is to do it. In table tennis, organizing is focused on training and practicing, events, series games, competitions and tournaments, and travel.

In self-management your organization is the group of people that supports you in reaching your goals.

Leading is directing and coordinating the work activities of an organization’s people. A leader is someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority.

In self-management, the leadership is focused on self-discipline, motivation and initiative.

Controlling is monitoring activities to ensure that they are accomplished as planned. Systematic continuous improvements go here.

A manager has decisional roles, interpersonal roles and informational roles.

A manager needs conceptual skills to analyze and diagnose, interpersonal skills to work well with others, subject matter skills to perform work tasks, and political skills to get the right connections to get the required resources. The subject matter skills are, of course, expertise in table tennis.

What is Strategy?

Strategies are plans for how the organization, or you, will carry out the mission and compete successfully to achieve the overall goals. The strategy formulation is based on analysis of the problem as defined by the difference between the overall goal and the current state evaluation.

What is Strategic Management?

Strategic Management is what managers do to develop an organization’s strategies. The Strategic Management process involves strategy planning, implementation and evaluation, that is, planning, organizing, leading and controlling the strategy effectuation. The planning phase includes picturing your vision, setting overall (long-term) goals, evaluating current state, analyzing alternatives, making strategic choices or choosing path, and formulating the strategy.


Strategic strength is your ability to set the right goals and to create action plans and follow them. Strategic strength is the foundation for success.

Be your own coach. Manage, that is, plan, organize, lead and control, yourself and your organization of people that supports you.

To improve your strategic strength you improve your strategic management, your self-management in general, and your table tennis expertise. Your table tennis strategy focuses on development of your Physical, Technical, Tactical, and Mental strengths.

