Silence Gives Answers

Feel it

Tejasvani Thakur
2 min read2 days ago
June month edit, some mint, clear sky, affirmation, rose, raw litchi 💚

Whenever I feel low or not myself, I read some quotes. One quote I’m in love with this month is: I used to run far away, never knowing I was my own destination.

This quote reminds me of the question I ask myself often: What is the purpose of this life?

And this quote tells me, What if the purpose lies in your existence? What if this existence is purposeful in its own way?

We all have a different light, but the source is the same.

We truly own our destination.

This also reminds me of Rumi’s quote, “All this time, I was searching for myself.”.

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

Picture Courtesy: somewhere from the Internet.
Picture Courtesy: somewhere from the Internet.
Picture Courtesy: somewhere from the Internet.
Picture Courtesy: somewhere from the Internet.

And one quote I read when I was almost at the fag end of my shopping impulse for unnecessary things just because I found them cute.

Picture Courtesy: somewhere from the Internet.

What are your favorite quotes or affirmations?

I would love to know!!

