Best practices for using Copilot prompt

Tetiana T
3 min readJul 18, 2024


The following best practices help you extract maximum value from Copilot

Getting help at work from a colleague will require us to provide more details and context to the question. You need to be friendly and polite. 😊

The same happens to work with generative AI.

Generate by Copilot

Get better results with Copilot promt

Writing good prompts is key to getting better outcomes with Copilot.

Different prompts can lead to different results, opening up fresh perspectives and ideas. By expanding the horizons of Copilots and experimenting, you can find new ideas and inspire innovation in your tasks.

Generate by Copilot

For example:

  • Good prompt. “Draft an email about our new App.”
  • Better prompt. “Draft an email introducing our new App to our customers.”
  • Best prompt. “Draft an email detailing our new App features, launching next week. Include a link to the product page.”

The 6 tips for Copilot Promts:

  1. Start with the end in mind
    Specify the output you want from Copilot.
    Example 1: “Tell me about Python programming language”
    Example 2: “I am beginner level in Python. Tell me about Python programming languages”
  2. Set the stage
    Provide context or relevant details about what outcome you’re working toward.
  3. Specify any parameters
    Specify what information sources or samples Copilot should use, and you’ll get better results. ( internal, external, some specific)
    Example: “Copilot find me information about the AI-900 exam on Microsoft sites”
  4. Customize the delivery to your needs
    How does Copilot need to provide the result? Maybe you need to specify the kind of tone. Or explain like for a non-Tech person. Or you are an SEO of an organization and need only a short version of something with key people of this presentation.
    Example: “Copilot find me information about the AI-900 exam on Microsoft sites”
  5. Provide positive instructions
    Copilot is built to take action, so telling Copilot what “to do” without not. Try using “if-then” instructions.
  6. Iterate and regenerate
    Often the first result isn’t the final or best response. Don’t hesitate to refine your prompts based on the responses you get
Picture from MS site

Edit a Copilot prompt to make it your own

Copilot Lab has a lot of example prompts that you can edit to make your own. Some editable parts are obvious, denoted by a pair of square brackets, like [topic], [file], and [your title]. But you can also edit various parts of those prompts, such as the goal, context, expectations, and source, to suit your purpose.

Provide regular feedback

Copilot for Microsoft 365 continues to improve over time as a result of user feedback. If you didn't get a good result, provide Microsoft with feedback. It is going to help to improve.

Keep the conversation going with Copilot

Keeping track of your prompts will help you collaborate with Copilot to get more useful, customized answers:

  • Generating content ideas
  • Gaining insights
  • Enabling insightful meetings
  • Translating languages
  • Storytelling assistance
  • Solving technical problems

Just for Fan😊:

Prompt: “Create a poem about a copilot using Quick tips for better prompts”


In the Skies with a Copilot

In the cockpit, side by side,
A copilot’s there to guide.
With prompts clear and concise,
They navigate the skies precise.

Provide context, be specific,
In every task, they’re prolific.
With integrative language, they link,
Ensuring the flight doesn’t sink.

Descriptive verbs, intentional and clear,
Make every command sincere.
Positive language, no negatives here,
Keeps the journey free of fear.

Synonyms and varied phrasing,
Keep the conversation blazing.
Consistent in their guiding role,
Together, they achieve the goal.

Transformative words, creating anew,
Every flight, a fresh view.
With every prompt, they steer the way,
Ensuring safe landings every day.


Mastering Copilot prompts is a journey of continuous learning and adaptation.

Happy Copiloting! 🚀



Tetiana T

Run🏃🏻‍♀️ - Travel ✈️- Work💻