What is Ethereum Dencun Upgrade and when? It’s all about Scalability and Efficiency

3 min readMar 1, 2024

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Ethereum’s Dencun Upgrade

Why it’s called ‘Dencun’?
The term “Dencun” is an amalgamation of two words: “Deneb” and “Cancun”. It represents a series of upgrades to Ethereum’s consensus layer (CL) and execution layer (EL), respectively 1. Let’s delve into the details:Deneb: This component pertains to the upgrade of Ethereum’s consensus layer. It aims to address scalability challenges, allowing Ethereum to compete more effectively with faster chains in the Smart Contract Platforms Crypto Sector, such as Solana 2. Essentially, Deneb is a pivotal transformation for Ethereum.
Cancun: The Cancun upgrade focuses on improving Ethereum’s scalability through Proto-Danksharding. It aims to enhance the blockchain’s efficiency by executing transactions off the main Ethereum chain, thereby dealing with execution and verification costs.

Ethereum, the leading smart contract platform, is on the brink of a transformative upgrade named Dencun, slated to significantly enhance the network’s scalability, efficiency, and overall performance. This upgrade is a combination of the previously anticipated Cancun and Deneb upgrades, marking a pivotal advancement since the notable Shapella upgrade in April…




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