Circling the Heart of Things: Maggie Shipstead’s The Great CircleHuman beings tell stories to make sense of our world, say the narrative theorists.Mar 8, 2024Mar 8, 2024
How I Teach Poetry: Yusef Konumyakaa’s “Slam, Dunk, & Hook”Eighth graders aren’t typically enthused about analyzing poetry, but I bring them a poem. It’s Yusef Komunyakaa’s “Slam, Dunk, & Hook.”…Feb 11, 2024Feb 11, 2024
Cracking the Patriarchy: Maggie Shipstead’s Seating ArrangementsSeating Arrangements by Maggie Shipstead is a novel in the same vein as Jonathan Franzen’s The Corrections — both expose the ugly emotional…Feb 8, 2024Feb 8, 2024
Mrs. Dalloway is Everything, Everywhere, All at OnceWhether or not you’ve read Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway, you could imagine the main character, Clarissa — a wealthy middle-aged…Feb 7, 2024Feb 7, 2024
Poor Things Reveals the Monster in the ClosetI saw the film Poor Things at my local theater one evening this winter. I was delighted, mystified, disturbed. I went home afterward, slept…Feb 5, 20242Feb 5, 20242