Comparison of Flask, Django, and FastAPI: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Use Cases

Gen. David L.
4 min readOct 17, 2023


Photo by Christina Morillo

In Python web development, Flask, Django, and FastAPI are all popular frameworks. This post will compare the advantages and disadvantages of these three frameworks, as well as their use cases, and provide examples to illustrate when to choose which library.


Advantages of Flask:

Lightweight: Flask is a lightweight framework with a simple and intuitive design, making it easy to learn and use.

Flexibility: Flask offers a high level of flexibility, allowing developers to choose libraries and tools that suit their needs.

Rapid prototyping: Flask provides the ability for rapid development and is suitable for building small projects and prototypes.

Disadvantages of Flask:

Lack of built-in features: Compared to other frameworks, Flask has fewer built-in features and may require additional extension libraries.

Lack of standardization: Flask project structures can vary among developers, lacking a unified standardization.

Use Cases for Flask:

Flask is suitable for small and medium-sized projects, as well as for developers with specific requirements for choosing frameworks and tools. For example, when you need to quickly set up a simple API or rapidly iterate on a small project, Flask is a good choice.


Advantages of Django:

All-in-one framework: Django provides powerful built-in features, including ORM, authentication, admin interface, making it suitable for building complex web applications.

Comprehensive documentation and an active community: Django has extensive documentation and a large open-source community, providing wide support and solutions.

Scalability: Django offers a flexible extension mechanism that allows you to enhance the framework’s functionality through plugins and applications.

Disadvantages of Django:

Steep learning curve: Compared to other frameworks, Django has a certain level of complexity and requires some learning and familiarity to use effectively.

Lower performance: Due to its rich built-in features, Django may lag behind in some performance aspects compared to other frameworks.

Use Cases for Django:

Django is suitable for building large and complex web applications, content management systems (CMS), and projects that require reliability and security. For example, when you need to develop an application that includes user authentication, an admin interface, and complex data models, choosing Django is an excellent option.


Advantages of FastAPI:

High performance: FastAPI is a modern framework based on asynchronous programming, known for its excellent performance and low latency.

Automatic documentation generation: FastAPI can generate interactive documentation based on your code, improving API development and testing efficiency.

Type annotation support: FastAPI supports the use of type annotations to enhance code readability and maintainability.

Rapid development: FastAPI excels in rapid development, making it suitable for building prototypes, Proof of Concept (POC), and applications with quick iterations.

Disadvantages of FastAPI:

Relatively new project: FastAPI is relatively new and may lack mature solutions and community support in certain areas.

Learning curve: For developers with no experience in asynchronous programming, FastAPI may have a steeper learning curve.

Use Cases for FastAPI:

FastAPI is well-suited for building high-performance APIs and real-time applications, especially those that need to handle a large number of concurrent requests with low latency. For example, when you need to build an application that requires high performance and real-time data interaction, FastAPI is an excellent choice.

Application Scenarios

Suppose you need to quickly build a small blog application. In this case, Flask is a suitable choice. Its flexibility and lightweight nature make rapid development and prototyping easy.

If you are planning to develop a complex e-commerce website with a built-in authentication system and admin interface, Django is an ideal choice. Its versatility, large community, and documentation support will help you build a stable and feature-rich application.

When you intend to build a high-performance real-time data processing API with low latency and high concurrency, FastAPI is a powerful option. Its asynchronous programming and type annotation support make handling a large number of concurrent requests possible.


The choice of the framework depends on project requirements, developer experience, and preferences. Regardless of the framework chosen, factors such as project scale, development efficiency, performance, and maintainability need to be considered.

Flask is suitable for small projects and developers who require framework flexibility, Django is suitable for building complex web applications and CMS, and FastAPI is suitable for building high-performance real-time applications. Based on specific requirements, a rational framework choice will contribute to the success of the development.

Python is a powerful and popular language suitable for various web application development. Its advantages include ease of learning, a wealth of libraries and frameworks, strong community support, and efficient development speed. However, Python’s relatively lower performance, GIL limitations, dependency management, and relatively young asynchronous programming support may pose certain limitations for some applications.

Therefore, when choosing Python as a web development language, it is essential to consider project requirements and characteristics, as well as factors such as the technical team and available time and resources.



Gen. David L.

AI practitioner & python coder to record what I learned in python project development