
Valerii Sorokobatko
8 min readDec 7, 2016


Easier way to develop and manage component’s features and inject them into the components.


recompose had a great influence. It is great library that provide excellent way to lift state into functional wrappers, perform the most common React patterns, optimize rendering performance. Also it is possible to store common functions separately and share them between components. And as the result — component’s source code become much more easier and readable.

recompose — React utility belt for function components and higher-order components. Think of it like lodash for React.

Little theory. What is component feature?

Wiki: It is an intentional distinguishing characteristic of a component.

Component feature — is the new component functionality. And in most cases it provide and depends on new props. For example HighliteFlags feature for <Button/> component - add success, alert and warning bool props and depending on them provide specific styles.

The problem

Usually all such features are developed and stored inside component and this is the reason for next problems:

  • Component code become more and more complex. Even simple component can grow into complex with large collection of available props.
  • Hard to develop new features and remove old or not used. To remove feature developer should find and remove large number of lines and then make sure that all other features work correctly.
  • Hard to find bugs and fix them. Sometimes there are hotfixes that usually push component to become legacy.
  • A lot of copy-paste code. Especially a lot of duplication across components propTypes.
  • Hard to share code. Only whole component could be shared with all implemented features. But sometimes needs to share only specific feature between components or even between applications.

Component life in images

1. Birth of the component
2, 3, 4 Component development
  1. Component is simple and it code is beautiful, simple and readable..
  2. Developing new component features. Developing at this stage is like breathe the crystal clear air. Component is still virgin.
  3. Component became complex and its code is much harder and uglier than was before.
  4. DEATH — bugs, legacy code, spaghetti :( Components look like virus or infection.

Solution: develop features separately

Forgekit suggest to develop and store features separately from components. There are a lot of advantages:

  • Responsibility. Each feature stored at separated file (or module if speak in CommonJS context) and there is code that implements only specific functionality and provide its own propsTypes.
  • Sharable. Features could be shared between components or applications. And don’t even depends on components library. It could work above it.
  • Tests. Easy to write tests because Feature is a pure function.
  • Refactoring. It is more simpler to remove feature import than find and remove large number of related lines of code.
  • Refactoring. Old feature could be swapped with new features.
  • Optimization. Use only needed features. Not used features will not be in the build.
  • Feature customization. Each feature could be customized separately. This is much better than customize whole component.

High-level and low-level props

In most cases feature depends and provide new props. Props could be split into low-level and high-level props.

From React DOM Elements documentation:

React implements a browser-independent DOM system for performance and cross-browser compatibility. We took the opportunity to clean up a few rough edges in browser DOM implementations. In React, all DOM properties and attributes (including event handlers) should be camelCased. For example, the HTML attribute tabindex corresponds to the attribute tabIndex in React. The exception is aria-* and data-* attributes, which should be lowercased.

So all DOM attributes and children prop are low-level props. High-level props — are custom props.

In all cases high-level props always affects on low-level props. That is why most features could be implemented by mapping props before render. And it is better than create higher order component for each feature (this way affects on performance) or develop all features inside component (this way makes code more complex).

It is looks like props middlewares (or like props micro services). It does not create higher order components for all features — only one hoc for all features. So it does not affect on performance.

Forgekit feature function

Forgekit feature is a pure functions that:

  • provide propTypes and defaultProps
  • takes props as argument and returns new props
  • provide its own theme structure (more about themes)
Feature = function(props): newProps
Feature.propTypes = {}
Feature.defaultProps = {}

Forgekit feature with lifecycle methods

Forgekit feature also could be defined as object with two attributes:

  • props — pure function to map props.
  • hoc — higher order component. Takes Component as argument and return higher order component.
Feature = {
props: function(props): newProps,
hoc: function(
Component: React.Component
): React.Component
Feature.propTypes = {}
Feature.defaultProps = {}

Forgekit and Recompose

As the developer of the Forgekit I am not happy to develop one more library (one more npm package). At least because most forgekit features could be implemented with:

Forgekit and Recompose differences

More information at Github repository: Forgekit and Recompose

1. Forgekit features provide its own propTypes and defaultProps

Forgekit suggest to develop and store features separately from components. Forgekit feature is a pure functions that:

  • provide propTypes and defaultProps
  • takes props as argument and returns new props
  • provide its own theme structure (more about themes)

There are a lot of advantages:

  • Responsibility. Each feature stored at separated file (or module if speak in CommonJS context) and there is code that implements only specific functionality and provide its own propsTypes.
  • Sharable. Features could be shared between components or applications. And don’t even depends on components library. It could work above it.
  • Refactoring. It is more simpler to remove feature import than find and remove large number of related lines of code.
  • Refactoring. Old feature can be swapped with new features. So propTypes and defaultProps also will be swapped.

More details at features api documentation;

2. Forgekit merge propTypes and defaultProps

This is important. And this is the critical difference for our development flow. We use React storybook with storybook info addon so it is important to collect all available propTypes and show them in the docs.

But anyway propTypes merging can be implemented with higher order function for recompose.

3. Forgekit provide tools for component and feature theming

Allows to define theme structure for feature or component. It is used for classNames or style calculating. Support custom themes provided by global CSS or inline styles and other libraries. More information at Forgkit theme documentation.

4. Display name

From my point of view — Forgekit provides more readable displayName. Display name is useful for generating error messages and for React chrome developers tools.


<MaterialButton> ...


<mapProps(mapProps(MaterialButton))> ...

Forgekit advantages

Share common features between components

There are features that does not relate to certain component. They could be added into any component.

  • ClickOutside — Fires when click outside of the component
  • HighliteFlags — Depends on prop primary / alert / danger / warning — add styles to the component
  • LoaderOverlay — If loading prop is true — show loader overlay above the component
import forgekit from 'forgekit';

import Button from 'components/button';
import Layout from 'components/layout';

import clickOutside from 'features/click-outside';
import highliteFlags from 'features/highlite-flags';
import loaderOverlay from 'features/loader-overlay';

export const AppButton = forgekit(
export const AppLayout = forgekit(

There is one common feature — clickOutside.

Forged components <AppButton/> and <AppLayout/> accepts onClickOutside prop. But onClickOutsided is not duplicated at <Button/> and <Layout/> propTypes. It is automatically added with clickOutside feature.

Use only needed features

Look at any open source components library — each component has a lot of features and there are a lot of propTypes. For example component <Button/> has features:

  • ripple — If true, component will have a ripple effect on click.
  • icon — Value of the icon (See Font Icon Component).
  • flat — If true, the button will have a flat look.
  • raised — If true, the button will have a flat look.
  • onMouseLeave — Fires after the mouse leaves the Component.
  • inverse — If true, the neutral colors are inverted. Useful to put a button over a dark background.

A lot of more. With Forgekit it is not possible to use only icon feature. All features implementations will be included to application build.

Easier to refactor and support clean code

All needed features could be imported from separated modules. This is very helpful when you want to share your component features with another team, another application or just push them to Github and make them open source. Also this provide good way to keep your code cleaner: just create new module and develop new functionality instead of patching existing modules. And same with refactoring — just remove imports if need to clean some old or unused features. This is much easier than remove large number of lines from components code and then make sure that all other features work correctly.

  • Easy to remove features — just remove feature import. Instead of removing number of lines from the component.
  • Easy to write and understand code — feature is a simple function
  • Code responsibility. Each feature — separated module and there is no extra code. Only feature implementation. Very boost code reading and understanding.

Feature customization

Each feature could be customized. Very similar with Redux middleware customization.

import fogekit from 'forgekit';

import icon from 'features/icon';
import highliteFlags from 'features/highlite-flags';

const Button = (children, ...props) => <button {...props}>{children}</button>;

const customHighliting = highliteFlags({
alert: {
color: 'white',
fontWeight: 'bold'
background: 'red'

export default forge(icon, customHighliting)(Button);

Sharing features in open source

If there is any open source component’s library that was built with Forgekit — it is simple to contribute because developers does not need to understand its whole structure and work with all library. Just develop feature function with tests and push it. Or even push to own repository.

Suggested environment for component development

  • Use Forgekit or Recompose. Especially for base components.
  • User React storybook for documentation.
  • Write for each component
  • Use Storybook knobs addon
  • Use Storybook info addon. Because Forgekit merge features propTypes it work correctly with this addon.
  • Use Storybook readme addon
  • Dont forget about Creeping featurism anti-pattern that can ruin your components. With Forgekit it is much more easier to manage comopnents features.

Forgekit components library

I will contribute to Forgekit components library:

  • Develop all base components and features for them
  • Add styles according to Google Material design
  • Components should be easily stylized to any other design without extra styles at application build

Nearest plans

Create Forgekit react storybook plugin. Main goal — manage features and themes

  • Show used features
  • Show available features
  • Show component and features documentation
  • Components Theme customizations

Feedback wanted

Forgekit is still in the early stages and even still be an experimental project. Your are welcome to submit issue or PR if you have suggestions! Or write me on twitter @tuchk4.

