Day 31 — One More Word

Tucker K Sullivan
2 min readDec 12, 2023


I want a supernatural event to occur, but its possible that human life is as supernatural as it gets.

I want to find a dusty old treasure map, halt an ancient curse, or find an entrance to a bunker, escaping with an experimental technology the whole world deserves to see. — 31 Words.

I was raised on heroic acts and stories of adventure. In every book, show, or movie that was targeted to my cohort as the audience throughout my childhood, there was always a hero defeating a great evil. Now, in my late twenties I’m stuck waiting for the extraordinary event to happen to me. I’m waiting to be swept up into an adventurous story.

I’ve decided that I’m not going to surrender and say to myself, “well, I have to grow up sooner or later. Life isn’t like the movies.” No, its not like the movies, because its real. Reality is far more interesting than the stories we consume. The stories are inspired by reality. Its happening all around us, the decisions that shape the future, and the effects of the past shaping our present moment.

Oftentimes, movie executives have to take things out of a true story to make it more believable. They say audiences won’t believe things that are too outlandish, when reality is not believable. This tells me the world is filled with the extraordinary. I don’t need a book, show, or movie to tell me that.

This is what creates my craving for the heroes journey. The inspiring aspect of the life I life. That is exactly what I want. I want redemption and self-realization.

I’m only realizing recently, I have to actively participate in life to ever see any kind of adventure. I can’t stay in my normal life and ever expect my movie to start.

So, here I am, ready to take the risks that I need to win big. It is time to take an active role in my own story, to uphold the responsibility of the main character.

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Day 31 of 500. Increasing my wordcount by 1 every single day. I’m enjoying having more words to work with now. I hope some of these words inspire you. Thanks for being here.



Tucker K Sullivan

Hi, I'm a writer/poet. I post daily! Mental health, resilience, and the human condition. My first book Relate! is on my website