One More Word — Day 59

Tucker K Sullivan
2 min readJan 10, 2024


I rarely write love poems, but I wrote one today.

I started out by thinking about all that can be said with just a glance, which naturally turned into a love poem, because I can communicate with my girlfriend in just one look.

I don’t know if it’s telepathy, instincts, facial recognition, or the way our pupils dilate and the tears shine in our eyes. Whatever it is, it’s something. Anyway, here is the poem.

We locked eyes about twenty feet apart in a crowded room, and a conversation took place between our eyes. As hers shined in a smile, she calmly continued her small talk while I lost my train of thought with whatever unimportant sentence I was saying, but it doesn’t matter now that all that I can think about is her. — 59 Words

This one might honestly be a common occurrence between us. A full conversation in a single look. I think this phenomenon should be studied.

I find non-verbal communication fascinating. Are humans more telepathic than we realize? Maybe we rely too much on overt, obvious communication for some deeper reason? Maybe we used to be able to rely on our intuition and understanding, but we lost our way.

Now, we only find certain people that understand our intentions, that can read our body language perfectly. Whatever the explanation, these people exist.

These are the people you want to spend your time with.

— — — —

This is Day 59 of 500, increasing my wordcount by 1, everyday. Thank you for being here.

If you like my writing please follow my social media on all platforms @tuckerksullivan, check out my website and consider buying my first book Relate! One Human to Another, which is available anywhere books are sold. Thank you again, for being here.



Tucker K Sullivan

Hi, I'm a writer/poet. I post daily! Mental health, resilience, and the human condition. My first book Relate! is on my website