One More Word — Day 69 —The Simulation Architects

Tucker K Sullivan
2 min readJan 20, 2024


A conversation between a new programmer and a senior architect of the simulation we live in.

“Should we tell our subjects why we delete their memories?”

:“No, it will interfere with their processing.
Their awareness of their own ignorance,
enhances our results.”

“What else can be done to improve our results?”

:“Their free will debate is useful.
Discussions surrounding time
and decision making benefits us.”:

“How so?”

:“They answer questions
which pertain to our own questions
which are then run in new offshoot simulations.”:


— 69 Words

In the thought experiment above, a brand new programmer is learning from a senior architect. The process of learning, which we have replicated to AI, is central to the simulation argument. The simulation provides data, which is then used to create new simulations.

‘Memory deletion’ in this context refers to our lack of knowledge prior to birth, our lack of knowledge of our ancient history, our overall lack of knowledge of our own existence. We have forgotten. This is beneficial to the creators of the simulation. They get new guesses, new answers to these central questions. If the simulation was started with this information already in the data, the data would not be as rich, there would be less variation.

While we are often wrong with our guesses, we learn from each one. The simulation theory in itself, is our human guess at our existence. Whether it is accurate or not, we learn from it, the simulation improves.

I believe we are getting closer to understanding our own programming, while some aspects of our dream-simulation may be off limits to us via our programming.

Either way we learn new things daily, or at least we should be. The rate of information is increasing.

Google a random fact once a day. Learn as much as you can while you are alive.

If you would like to see more of this conversation please follow my blog, I will continue the talk between the programmer and the architect.

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Day 69 of 500, increasing my wordcount by 1, every single day. For Day 69 I wanted to do something different, as it is an important milestone (nice). As I get closer to 100+, 200+, and eventually 500 words a day, I will have enough words to talk about higher level concepts. Thank you for being here so far, I hope you enjoy the ride.

If you like my writing please follow my social media on all platforms @tuckerksullivan, check out my website and consider buying my first book Relate! One Human to Another, which is available anywhere books are sold. Thank you again, for being here.



Tucker K Sullivan

Hi, I'm a writer/poet. I post daily! Mental health, resilience, and the human condition. My first book Relate! is on my website