One More Word — Day 79

Tucker K Sullivan
3 min readJan 29, 2024


Watching the ice melt with an appreciation for the multiple states of water, witnessing the moment the world warms enough to change a solid to a liquid, even though I’m still cold, the water is warm enough to leave its form of ice, to hydrate the plants that were asleep all winter, and not only do I get to enjoy the transition from winter to spring, but I’ll also be waiting patiently for the change from spring to summer. — 79 Words

Giant Tries to Drink the Stream, 1916

I boiled water and put it in my ice tray to make perfectly clear ice today. A strange phenomenon, getting the impurities and gas bubbles out of the water, to make perfectly clear ice. I’m having an ice cold glass of water right now.

We often associate water with purity and life. I’ve heard it is a rare phenomenon among elements, that the solid form of water floats above it’s liquid form. Typically, the solid forms of elements sink within their liquid forms. A common miracle.

It is said that life cannot exist without water.

I also recently learned the similarity between cerebrospinal fluid and ocean salt water. It would appear, our thoughts are similar to the crashing waves of the ocean.

It is said that ocean water heals. If you grew up near the ocean and you’ve got a scrape or a cut, you’ve probably been told to go wash it out in the ocean. This similarity between the fluid in our brain and nervous system with the ocean is not a coincidence, but another scientific and natural miracle.

I’m not using the word ‘miracle’ lightly. To me a miracle is the completely unlikely, that occurs as if it was guaranteed. Absolute chance, that instead of appearing lucky, seems reliable. These are supreme ‘coincidences’, all these chances that were needed for life to burst into existence. Whether lightening struck a chemical-laced, salty puddle, or DNA mutated deep in a hydrothermal vent, these miraculous, highly improbable events brought us into being.

This is what I’m thinking about, as our grey winter continues, as the snow falls and then the rain melts the snow.

I’ll seek out a waterfall this year, and write a poem underneath it’s pressure, in my waterproof notebook.

I’ll also try to drink more water this year.

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Day 79 of 500. Increasing my wordcount by 1, every single day. Thank you for reading. It is much appreciated. I hope my words can bring you into the present moment, and help you practice some wonder in the middle of your day.

If you like my writing please follow my social media on all platforms @tuckerksullivan, check out my website and consider buying my first book Relate! One Human to Another, which is available anywhere books are sold. Thank you again, for being here.



Tucker K Sullivan

Hi, I'm a writer/poet. I post daily! Mental health, resilience, and the human condition. My first book Relate! is on my website