Bruegel’s Hunters in the Snow & Bach’s Ich ruf zu Dir Herr Jesu Christ

Tuğba Gezici
2 min readJun 16, 2020


Bach’s “ Ich ruf zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ” [“I call to You, Lord Jesus Christ”] (BWV 639)” “ is a musical piece that simply describe “New Life in Christ”.In the music,God is immanent.This musical piece can make people feel comfortable and relaxed ,certainly.It can be perceived as a sign of “salvation of mankind by obeying the rules of life.

Bruegel’s painting is just as it must be…Clearly,everything seems perfect in the one original position.This artwork “Hunters in the Snow” is one of the most known paintings.Closest to us,we can see hunters,dogs and trees.There can be seen people enjoying by skiing,playing hockey,and the like as we look at the painting deeply.Actually,this artwork reminds me of “recreation” and”restore” .Nature is changeable and seasons are always changing and this is the law of nature.At the same time,in order to survive,mankinds should be well-prapared against hard conditions.In this artwork,I can take notice these people’s efforts who want to keep up with these challenges.Some people are hunting,some people are carrying firewoods.Three hunters return with only a rabbit , and this shows us that nothing is easy to try to feel safe.On the other hand,there are some people who are skating,skiing,and playing hockey.This situation can be explained as a different side of winter.Furthermore,when some people are working to be better or to be in safe;others are just enjoying.Actually,there are some people working for God to be a good slave and also,there are some people just enjoying life by doing something which is not as important as worship. When it comes Bach’s musical piece “Ich ruf zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ” [“I call to You, Lord Jesus Christ”] (BWV 639)” to a large extent it can be said that it represents piety.It can be defined as a kind of religious music.This work can be associated with the liturgy and sacred texts.Bach wrote his music for God and this one is one of the most beautiful ones in this aspect. Additionally,I believe that Bach wrote all these beautiful musics just because he praised God for salvation and new life in Christ.

It’s such a beautiful feeling that transports me to the universal emotion that humans have experienced throughout the centuries.It makes me feel that all the things in the service of God and everyhting turns into the essence of God.Additionally,te music and the artwork can be matched with each other very well because both of them indicate that humankind itself is powerless without the grace of God.Everything comes from Him,and we can not do anything except for keeping pace with the laws of the nature.As we can see in “the Hunters in the Snow” seasons are changing and they decribe the new beginnings in life.Also,Bach’s musical piece decribe the new beginning or new life in Christ.All in all,only faith can bring us a life purpose or meaning.I feel that this painting tells us a story.Bruegel craeted an artwork which tells us a story totally.All the things in this work were in a harmony and they give a message.I think,the core meaning is just about “faith and the power of God.”



Tuğba Gezici

Tech,Food & Book Lover,interested with Philology,Literature & Philosophy and Cyber Security