The Pillar of Healing: A Dedication to Asclepios

Tuhin Babu
3 min readMay 28, 2023


Introduction: In the ancient city of Athens, amidst the bustling streets and grand monuments, stands a remarkable pillar known as the Pillar of Healing. Crafted with the utmost precision and dedication, this pillar bears witness to a profound act of gratitude and faith towards Asclepios, the Greek god of healing. Adorned with a marble part of a human face, delicately placed within a niche, this monument serves as a poignant testament to the power of divine intervention and the transformative effects it can have on one’s life. It is a tribute offered by Praxias, a devoted husband who sought solace and healing for his beloved wife during the period of 350–300 BC.

A Tale of Hope and Transformation: Praxias, a respected citizen of Athens, found his world shaken when his wife’s eyesight began to deteriorate, casting a veil of darkness over her once vibrant life. Desperate to find a remedy, he embarked on a quest to seek the intervention of Asclepios, the revered god known for his ability to heal afflictions that lay beyond the grasp of mortal medicine. Praxias fervently prayed and made offerings at the temple dedicated to Asclepios, beseeching the deity to restore his wife’s eyesight and grant her a new lease on life.

The Miracle and Dedication: Asclepios, moved by Praxias’ unwavering devotion and genuine plea for help, bestowed his divine grace upon the afflicted woman. Miraculously, her vision began to return, as if a veil had been lifted from her eyes. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Praxias decided to immortalize this moment of healing and his profound indebtedness to Asclepios.

Choosing a noble gesture to honor the god’s benevolence, Praxias commissioned a skilled artisan to create a pillar that would embody the essence of his wife’s miraculous transformation. Carefully carved from the finest marble, the pillar took shape, meticulously crafted to showcase a fragment of a human face. This fragment, a representation of Praxias’ wife, was then placed within a niche, a space specifically designed to receive dedications and offerings.

Symbolism and Meaning: The Pillar of Healing stands as a symbol of hope, faith, and the extraordinary power of divine intervention. It serves as a visual reminder that even in the face of despair, healing is possible. The marble part of the human face, nestled within the monument, not only represents Praxias’ wife but also signifies the restoration of her sight. It stands as a testament to the transformative influence of Asclepios and his ability to grant the gift of sight where it had been lost.

For centuries, this monument has captivated the hearts and minds of those who visit, inspiring awe and reflection. Its presence serves as a beacon of hope for those seeking solace in times of affliction, reminding them that there is a divine force that can bring about healing and renewal.

Conclusion: The Pillar of Healing stands as a remarkable testament to the unwavering faith and gratitude of Praxias, whose dedication to Asclepios brought about a profound transformation in his wife’s life. As visitors pass by this monument, they are reminded of the remarkable power of belief, the resilience of the human spirit, and the potential for miracles that lie within the realm of the divine. This cherished relic from ancient Athens continues to inspire and offer solace to all who seek healing, reminding us that hope and transformation can be found even in the darkest of times.

