.Net Minimal Api

Tunahan Ali Ozturk
3 min readSep 14, 2023


.NET Minimal API is a feature introduced in .NET 6 that streamlines the development of lightweight and straightforward HTTP APIs in the .NET ecosystem. Its primary goal is to reduce the complexity and boilerplate code typically associated with building web applications and APIs, making it particularly suitable for quick, minimalistic projects.

Key attributes of .NET Minimal API include:

  1. Simplicity: .NET Minimal API prioritizes simplicity, minimizing the need for excessive code and configuration. This simplification is advantageous for scenarios where you want to create a focused API without unnecessary overhead.
  2. Lightweight: Minimal API projects have a smaller footprint compared to traditional ASP.NET Core applications. This is beneficial when building compact, specific APIs to conserve resources.
  3. Attribute Routing: Minimal API leverages attribute routing, allowing you to define routes directly on your API endpoints using attributes like [HttpGet], [HttpPost], etc. This eliminates the requirement for separate route configuration files.
  4. Convention-based Development: It promotes convention-based development, where common naming patterns lead to automatic route inference and route handler generation, facilitating rapid API development.

Here’s an illustrative C# example of a Minimal API:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddEndpoints(endpoints =>
endpoints.MapGet("/", async context =>
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello, Minimal API!");
var app = builder.Build();if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())

In this concise example, we establish a basic GET endpoint that responds with “Hello, Minimal API!” when accessing the root path (“/”). The code is clear and requires minimal configuration.

.NET Minimal API is an excellent choice for scenarios necessitating rapid development of lightweight APIs, microservices, or simple web applications. However, for more intricate projects or larger applications, traditional ASP.NET Core features and configurations may remain a preferred choice.

Features of .NET Minimal API

  1. Minimalistic Approach: As the name suggests, Minimal API aims to simplify web application and API development by reducing the amount of boilerplate code and configuration. It allows developers to focus on the essential aspects of their application.
  2. Attribute Routing: Minimal API uses attribute routing extensively. You can define routes directly on your API endpoints using attributes like [HttpGet], [HttpPost], [HttpPut], and [HttpDelete]. This makes it easy to understand the API's behavior without the need for a separate route configuration.
  3. Conventional Routing: While Minimal API embraces attribute routing, it also follows naming conventions. This means that you can create endpoints with method names that correspond to HTTP verbs, such as Get(), Post(), Put(), and Delete(), and the framework will automatically map these to their respective routes.
  4. Scoped Dependency Injection: Like traditional ASP.NET Core applications, Minimal API supports dependency injection. You can register and use services within your API endpoints, allowing you to maintain separation of concerns and modularize your code.
  5. Middleware Support: You can still use middleware in Minimal API applications to handle cross-cutting concerns like authentication, logging, and exception handling. This ensures flexibility and extensibility.
  6. Configuration Options: While Minimal API promotes minimalism, it doesn’t sacrifice configurability entirely. You can configure aspects like environment-specific behavior, logging, and other application settings to suit your needs.

Benefits of .NET Minimal API

  1. Rapid Development: Minimal API is an excellent choice for quickly prototyping or building small to medium-sized APIs or web applications. Its simplicity and convention-based approach accelerate development.
  2. Reduced Ceremony: With Minimal API, you can write concise code to define your API endpoints, reducing the amount of ceremony and configuration code required. This can lead to more maintainable and readable code.
  3. Lightweight and Efficient: Minimal API projects tend to have a smaller footprint compared to traditional ASP.NET Core projects. This makes them ideal for resource-constrained environments or scenarios where efficiency is crucial.
  4. Ease of Learning: For developers new to ASP.NET Core, Minimal API can be a more approachable entry point. Its straightforward, attribute-based routing and convention-based approach can lower the learning curve.
  5. Microservices: Minimal API is well-suited for building microservices, where you need to create multiple small APIs that work together. Its lightweight nature aligns with the microservices architecture.
  6. Prototyping and Proof of Concepts: When you want to quickly validate an idea or create a proof of concept, Minimal API allows you to focus on the core functionality without getting bogged down in complex configurations.
  7. Integration with Existing Apps: You can use Minimal API within larger ASP.NET Core applications. This means you can adopt Minimal API for specific parts of your application while retaining the traditional approach for other areas.

