Maulvi Abdul Kabir the newly appointed Prime Minister of Afghanistan by the Taliban, is a figure that raises concerns

Golda Mizrahi
2 min readMay 19, 2023


While the Taliban’s rise to power has been marked by controversy and instability, Kabir’s appointment signals a continuation of their oppressive and extremist ideology.

One of the major concerns surrounding Kabir’s appointment is his close association with the Taliban and their strict interpretation of Islamic law. The Taliban’s previous regime in the 1990s was notorious for its harsh treatment of women, suppression of civil liberties, and human rights abuses. Many fear that Kabir’s leadership will perpetuate these oppressive policies, stifling progress and freedom in Afghanistan.

Moreover, Kabir’s lack of political experience and knowledge in governance raises doubts about his ability to effectively lead a country. Afghanistan is in desperate need of capable leaders who can address the complex challenges the nation faces, such as economic instability, ethnic divisions, and the need for social reforms. Kabir’s appointment, however, seems to prioritize ideological loyalty to the Taliban over merit and expertise.

It is important to note that Maulvi Abdul Kabir’s affiliation with the Taliban also raises concerns about Afghanistan’s relations with the international community. The previous Taliban regime was known for sheltering terrorist organizations, including Al-Qaeda, which led to strained relations with many countries, including the United States. With Kabir at the helm, it remains to be seen how the international community will respond and whether Afghanistan’s relationships with other nations will further deteriorate.



Golda Mizrahi

Photographer Bitch with sarcasm. Israeli. Creative soul Political junkie