Themes for candles sellers on Shopify

Tung Dao
2 min readJun 8, 2020

Candles have consistently been a piece of our lives — notwithstanding the marvelous fragrances that are out there, we’ve generally appreciated the glow a flame brings into our home. Also, candles will in general have a unique spot in our lives — we blow them out on our birthday events, we light them to remember weddings, and we place them around to make an air of sentiment.

So, in this article, we’ll give you the 3 best themes for candle stores on Shopify. Let’s get into it!

Manor — Candles theme by Velatheme

Shopify — Manor Clean, Minimal , Drag and Drop, which is structured by the velatheme group, is a well-fitted topic for some online stores. Coming as a topic including such a storekeeper needs, Manor will be certainly a savvy decision for you to draw in a lot more traffic and lift deals in the long run. Its insignificant style encourages you more spotlight on pennants and things. Estate is altogether simple to alter without coding required, on the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea how to run this structure format. All top notch area records are very much masterminded so don’t be stressed over the page association. There are more than 25 demo layouts are accessible. Get it now!

Uma — Candles theme by Shopifytemplate

Uma — Minimal Clean Multiple Shopify Theme, which is structured by the shopifytemplate group, is a well-fitted topic for some online stores of Furniture, Hair trimming apparatuses, Cups, Household items, Fashion, Accessories, Technologies, Gifts. Accompanying imaginative and vivid blended formats, inclining plan with brilliant and alluring photographs, Uma can be valuable at featuring your things and standards. This subject is exceptionally easy to arrange. Presently, there are different new advertising programs running for uncommon festivals and events like New Year Eve, and that’s just the beginning. Let us advance your SEO with the gave coordinated rich bits, very much organized code base, CSS + JS pressure to give you however many advantages as could reasonably be expected. Look at it!

Lofty — Candles theme by Creatives9web

Elevated — Clean and Minimal Shopify Sections Theme, which is planned by the creatives9web group, is a well-fitted subject for some online stores, for example, style shop, carefully assembled shop, embellishments shop, glasses shop, extras shop, gems shop, or some other classifications. Coming as a subject including an insignificant vibe, proficient plan along with numerous amazing highlights, LOFTY is relied upon to be one of your preferred supporters. This subject can work and be shown very well on numerous gadgets with its high-goals show work. Moreover, there are many separate styles of savvy uber menu for you to choose. We trust that you will be happy with our more than 6 premade landing page formats. Tweak it yourself now in a so a lot simpler path with Lofty!



Tung Dao

Marketer at, love video games, reading and physical activities.