Mid Autumn Cakes: Gifts From The Moon

Pham Ngoc
4 min readSep 17, 2019


Every full moon in August, when we mention the lantern, we can’t forget the Mid Autumn cakes or moon cakes. A delicious cake with all kinds of flavors always keeps people remembering them more. Eating moon cakes is also an important content of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Moon cakes or Mid Autumn cakes represent solidarity, which is indispensable on this special day. Let’s read this blog to widen your mind about this holy cake!

Meaning of Mid Autumn cakes or moon cakes

Although moon cakes originated from China and imported to Vietnam, moon cakes are now deeply ingrained in the Vietnamese people’s minds by their humanistic meanings. It is the Mid Autumn cake with its round shape, which symbolizes the fullness, fullness, and affluence. It shows the joy of reunion, everyone rejoicing happily together, gathering on the full moon day.

Types of moon cakes

In Vietnam, the two most popular traditional Mid Autumn cakes are soft cakes and baked cakes. The cake shape like a full moon symbolizing the union. Meanwhile, the ivory white color to show the close love of the couple. Baked cakes mean that no matter how hard we go at work, there is always someone protecting us. The cake is salty, sweet, full of flavor, showing the warmth and sweetness of our family.

Soft moon cake — sweet from nature

It is made from pure white glutinous flour, finely ground and roasted, combined with sugar and fragrant grapefruit fragrance. People mould soft cakes in wooden or plastic molds in round shape, filled with lotus seeds, and mung beans. Sometimes they mix with all kinds of pre-cooked food ingredients, bearing the nuance of Vietnam. The round shape like a full moon symbolizes the meaning of “family reunion”. The ivory white color expresses the close love of the couple.

Baked moon cake — perfect combination in Autumn

A baked moon cake is made with fermented wheat flour mixed with chicken eggs. People add a little wine, with a pure filling made of green beans, taro. They finely chop lotus seeds wrapped around one or two salted duck egg yolks. In addition, baked moon cakes also have the smell of vanilla or durian. They mix with meat, cotton, pumpkin jam, melon seeds and roasted meat.

People bake them in high temperatures. It takes two to three days to eat a meaningful meal. Despite all the difficulties and harshness in the job, there are still relatives nearby and sheltered. A cake with different salty and sweet flavors reminds us of the taste of life. No matter how much we taste, when we return home, it is always sweet, warm and full of affection.

Modern Mid Autumn cakes in Vietnam

Mooncakes are not only traditionally baked with golden-yellow pies. There are also grapefruit-scented meringue, colorful multi-layer mooncakes, cold mooncakes, and also jellyfish mooncakes. Increasingly, with human creativity, moon cakes have many new shapes, flavors and colors.
Wherever you go, when you go to the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone is eager to arrange work to return to the family, exchanging sweet mooncakes full of love.

In this day, people often give others moon cakes, but how about other things? To make things special, you can also give your loves a trip. Just in 1 or 2 days, you can have a lot of experience in Autumn in Vietnam. You can try our Halong bay tour from Hanoi or Halong bay cruise 2 days 1 night!

Wish you have a happy and warm Mid-Autumn Festival with your loved ones.

