Level Up Your Relationship with Gaming

6 min readMay 19, 2020
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Video games. Are they made for kids? …waste of time? …detrimental to a healthy relationship? What if I told you video games are for everyone regardless of age and gender, and when utilized correctly can actually strengthen a relationship. For some of you this is nothing new, but some of you have probably nodded “yes” while reading the questions above. To those people I would ask you to read on and give me a chance to change your mind.

As an advocate of video games, I am writing to persuade people, who would never give video gaming the time of day, to try it out with friends, family and significant others. This part will be specifically dedicated to couples. And by the end, I’ll make a few game suggestions that you and your significant other can try out right now!


Let’s start off simple. Gaming is fun. And I don’t strictly mean video games. The main goal of any type of game, be it video games, card games, board games or drinking games, is for the players to have fun. We have all played some type of game in our lives, and they all had some unique way of being fun. The unpredictability of the card game Uno, the ruthless strategies of the board game Monopoly, and the ice-breaking nature of the party game Never have I ever are all games you have probably played to have an entertaining time as a group. Video…

