Discover — Difference Between Raster Image & Vector Image

2 min readAug 17, 2022

Raster images are also known as Bitmap. As the name suggests, raster graphics combine tiny rectangular pixels in a grid to form an image. These image files are associated with a certain number that specifies their pixel’s location, size or color. The image quality depends upon the number of pixels it has. The more pixels, the higher the image quality will be. But the number of pixels depends on the file type of an image. Most raster images consist of file types like JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP.

What are Raster Images used for?

Raster graphics are primarily suitable for images without an outline, for instance, the digital images you see daily on the internet. When you take an image on your phone or through a camera that image contains pixel data. As we upload them online they become raster images. They can be easily edited through editing programs like most commonly known Adobephotoshop or Coreldraw.

Advantages of Using Raster Images

Like we discussed above they are easy to edit with a wide variety of editing applications. These files consist of a number of pixels in a grid form which you can adjust to your liking. To create an image that you want. Keep in mind that the higher the number of pixels the higher its resolution will be.

Disadvantages of Using Raster images

The backlash that raster images have is that they can’t maintain quality if they are resized. They end up getting blurry and rough as its pixels collapse as we try to resize each pixel of an image. This overall scenario is known as image degradation.

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