Technical aspects of the demo version of video hosting TOP

2 min readSep 7, 2017


At this stage of the project development, our programmers are fully focused on creating a demo version of the video hosting platform TOP. The first screenshots of video hosting you have already seen.

Since that moment we have made a radical breakthrough in the development of the technical aspect of this project.

The demo version includes all the necessary aspects for the normal operation of video hosting. It’s an ability to upload videos to your channel, delete it. The work on creating an account for the authors of the video is coming to the end. It will display the number of tokens received by the author of the video and the possibility of their output. And also one of the key features is to automatically insert banners and advertising preorders in the video. Authors will only need to choose which advertisement they want to place on their channel and the TOP system will do it themselves.

As for ordinary users, their account has already been created. Users could show their activity, leaving comments and likes on liked videos. The user’s personal cabinet will display the hours he spent watching the video, as well as the number of tokens he earned for these views. The possibility of issuing TOP tokens will also be available in your account. If a user wants to create an author account for a video, he only needs to download one video. After that, the tab “author’s personal cabinet of video” appears in the account.

Also, work is under way to create algorithms for tracking the interests of users so that each advertiser can personally create the right target audience for displaying their advertising. We plan to finish all work by the end of the ICO, by October of the month. Wait for further news.

The Team of TOP

