This Week In TurtleCoin (Dec 3, 2018)

5 min readDec 4, 2018


We are 1 week away from our 1 year birthday party! I hope you’ve got your party hat on!

Developer Community Updates

Turtlecoin Identicon Generator — Having trouble recognizing your public TRTL address? Now you can convert your boring address into something more fun. Identicons let you quickly check that you are sending to the correct TRTL address since changing just a single letter will change the image. Will you be on Green Team, Red Team, or maybe the super rare Yellow Team? Find out by entering your address at — mosu_forge

RainBorgCore — This week I did some work on the RainBorgCore code to further make it usable by our community’s forks. I changed the code to allow reading a balance directly from a tip bot database if it’s hosted on the same server (so an endpoint needn’t be set up), fixed some timeout issues, reworked how the core logic works to hopefully minimize any CPU bottlenecks, and added additional configuration. On top of all that, I finally got around to doing a write-up on how she works and to hopefully provide some information on setting her up on your own server. See the readme/wiki on the GitHub repo. — Canti — I redesigned the node map for the homepage. It display active nodes (seen in within in last 10 minutes) on a map of the world and draws currently random connections between them. The script that grabs the nodes does provide coordinates of known peers for each peer, so actual connections can be drawn with most likely a few edits on the client side. I will leave this for someone else :) — fexra — TurtleWallet got some graphical updates this week! The online web wallet now offers a night mode theme along with an one click graph conversion for TRTL base pairs (BTC/LTC/ETH). Observant turtles should further notice small graphical tweaks and enhancements that should improve the overall user experience. — fexra

trtl-cli-py — I implemented the all pools function! Run “pools all” for detailed stats on all pools! Check it out — Sajo8

TwitchTurtle — TwitchTurtle has a HUGE update! TRTL.TV is a fast new service that allows viewers to donate to an integrated address with their message and name. All you gotta do if you are a streamer is check the dashboard and share the link, or add your Twitch username (capitalization matters) to TRTL.TV/uSeRnAmE. Its live now! Start streaming, start donating, start twitchturtling! — Watter

lite-blocks — Another update for another weekly roundup.. my exams are finished and I was like “let’s get this thing merged before the anniversary.. “took some valuable suggestions from iburnmycd and zpalmtree, implemented the feature as requested (99%).. hoping the testnet will be deployed soon to check whether it’s working as expected or not..
Changes in implementation: Instead of requesting a lite block with missing transactions.. we just request the transactions from the sender.. — Rashedmyt

Community Advertisements

10,000 TRTL — Kill your past lives — SHMUP I made on Steam — buy a key for 10k TRTL! @quantumpotato in discord.

Fork Watch!

Name of your TRTL fork:


Github link for your code:

What is special or new about your network?:

Everyone loves a nibble!

Shoutouts & Thanks

rogerrobers — Shoutout to jerme404 and dsanon and khem boi da trtl!

rock — shoutout to IBMCD for kicking ass on a daily basis. I learn a lot from you.


rock — shoutout to jerme, doge4, khem, granpa, beary, japakar, roger, mufalito for always leaving me treats under my pillow :D

Mufalito — Thanks to roger and xaz for being here day by day in our projects, youre so nice guys, you roger are a good community promoter and you xaz you’re a smart ass guy ❤ . thanks to rock for creating turtlecoin and open the gates of a nice community where i’ve meet FRENS. Special thanks to dsanon and jermy for creating the monkeytips web wallet. aWxvdmVteWZpdGxhZHM= d2VtaXNzeW91dW5jbGVjcmFwcHk=

rock — thanks to campurro for keeping his word and open sourcing his merge mining code

rock — holler at folks right now with the upper hand mining. Your days are up. I hope your fpga can mine aeon.

Originally published at TurtleCoin.




TurtleCoin is a fun, fast, and easy way to send money to friends and businesses.