This Week in TurtleCoin (Jan 7, 2019)

5 min readJan 8, 2019


It’s been one of the biggest weeks yet and we can’t wait to share our updates with you!

Every week that isn’t directly following a major drinking holiday we like to write an article like this to tell you about our progress over the past week to keep the community in-the-know about our projects. If you have project you’d like to tell us about, tell us about it and you will probably see your project featured in next week’s article!

Now that we’ve got that explanation out of the way, here’s what we worked on this week!

Art by WarlordN1K who runs the TurtleCoin Minecraft Server

Developer Community

Who Sent 10 Turtle — Last week TurtlePay came out so I decided to try and learn how to accept TurtleCoin on a website with it!. After lots of learning and with the help from the Turtle community, the result can be seen in this little game I created: You send 10 TRTL to see who sent 10TRTL before you and what messages did they leave. I purposely made the app and design layout super simple (without even a DB) and open source, so people can contribute or hopefully fork it and open one page shops and apps accepting TRTL through right away. The code can be found here: — mrrovot

Oiboo’s Game Emporium — New Year New Look! I have been busy revamping Oiboo’s Game Emporium, some come and take a look… Over the Christmas break I have been inspired by TRTL EDU and created the “Learn” section. The first tutorial is an intro to “make games quick with open source code”. There are plans for more tutorials from other turtle creators in the community with more fun, exciting projects on the way. So come and play some games or learn how to make then yourself! As always, if you have a project you want featured or if you have any questions, contact me on “” or message me direct on the Dev_Gaming Channel! — Oiboo

TurtlePay — I’ve received some good feedback from a few different developers that are working with the platform. As a result, I’ve made a few tweaks to the core code behind the service this week.
1) Faster delivery of callback messages by disallowing the queue to stack up
2) Data payloads between workers are now encrypted using AES encryption to prevent tampering.
3) The public API now provides a ‘publicKey’ parameter that is generated for each request. All callback messages are being signed with the related ‘privateKey’ to provide verification that callbacks came from TurtlePay.
In addition, I’ve been working diligently on the documentation for the service. I hope to have that done in the next week. — IBurnMyCD

Art by Teacup from the TRTL Network Discord
Art by Teacup from the TRTL Network Discord

TRTL-Stak — TRTL-stak is back with vengeance! The latest release supporting CryptoNight Turtle is ready at Grab your copy today. Special shout out to @WhassupZA#2473 from Plenteum for the hard work he put in making this available for the community. — The Core

Thank you for listening when we asked for help :D
Thank you for listening when we asked for help :D
This week we are holding strong at #16 Dev Score ranked at 
This week we are holding strong at #16 Dev Score ranked at

From The Blog..

Artwork by Teacup from the TRTL Network Discord

Community Advertising — List of public TRTL nodes, automatically updated with fees, block height, etc. — Our little pool is still looking to grow. Help us get our block times down and help decentralize the mining network. — Tired of those lame old TurtleCoin faucets that throw ads at you, don’t always work, or provide you with a mere pittance? Come on over to where you can earn an infinite amount of TRTL just by completing a Captcha or setting it and forgetting it!

Artwork by Teacup from the TRTL Network Discord

Shoutouts & Thanks

To any developers who are currently developing apps with turtle — I would love if you would try out my new API ( — It’s a replacement for turtle-service, and it gives a bit of a friendlier, REST based interface. If you are having trouble getting it working or have any queries, let me know and I’ll be happy to help. — Zpalm

Thanks to Teacup and Warlord for providing awesome artwork for our publications. I hope you guys keep up the good work, it’s a nice visual touch. — Rock

Shouts out to Biolith and Roger who are both pushing their projects forward despite what people’s expectations were. — Rock

Im thankful for zpalm hes sexi oowwWoooo — Anon

Shoutout to Z. You make me whet with all your mad skillz. One day, I want to be with you. — Fexra

I can’t wait to be at the wedding. — Rock

Originally published at TurtleCoin.




TurtleCoin is a fun, fast, and easy way to send money to friends and businesses.