This Week In TurtleCoin (Sep 10, 2018)

We have release v0.8.3 fresh out of the oven, so those of you running services and full daemons should upgrade in 4 days or your shell might fall off :> Tell your friends!

5 min readSep 10, 2018

Developer Updates


The fork happens in about 4–5 days at height 800,000
This upgrade adds the ability for the network to drop old peers from the swarm when they have not upgraded after a fork. Old peers from the first and second fork are still running daemons and causing slowness and instability for other users. This fix will solve that issue going forward. ← Get your latest download here

Shell-ebrate the all new Turtle Simulator Game! Turtle Simulator is a full 3D Turtle game made in the Unreal Engine. Try to survive the wretched ocean and grow to be an old wise Turtle! I am happy to announce that development of “Turtle simulator” is well under way and I am aiming to have a closed alpha release in the upcoming weeks! !!!!! I am looking for testers !!!!! There will be a bounty for testers to help tweak the leveling system and make it a more balanced and fun game. If you are interested in helping balance the game mechanics, swimming constantly into walls or generally wreaking havoc to find bugs, please get in contact! Message me with you OS and system spec. Thanks! Discord : OIBOO — @ Me in the Dev-Gaming channel Email: — Oiboo

Krang — Setting up a testlab at home using Rancher 2 and RancherOS to deploy automated TestNets been a slow week. More meaty update next week. — Slash-atello


TurtleCoin Local Block Explorer — This is a small python project I am working on; inspired by RockSteady. This is not the final result, and there are still many things needed to be done and improved. What this project does is just a simple block explorer that you can have it running on your PC. You can search blocks and transaction by hash while having the TurtleCoin node running on your machine, because it opens the TurtleCoin daemon on the PC and then retrieve data from it. In the future, this can be combined with TurtleCoin wallet. -Sabo (Revolutionary)

My Sweet Turtle — This is my turtle (she havent name but from today she is ‘RockSteady’) Happy for a tip of the creator of turtle Coin — IlDuce

Note from Rock: Thanks man :D This is the highest compliment ❤

Community Advertisements Professionally designed TurtleCoin T-shirts are Finally here! This is your trusted source for cryptocurrency themed T-shirts! CryptoBandit is a new store that is dedicated to the awareness of cryptocurrency! Through these Fun T-shirts, we hope to foster conversations that will help grow all cryptocurrencies and the technologies that back them. CryptoBandit is a sponsor of the TurtleCoin Street Team.

TurtleCoin Street Team is Here! Welcome to the TurtleCoin Street Team! Here is your chance to score some sweet Swag while shilling the good word of Turtle. Please see the Street Team Portal for more information.

Hi everyone, after a long weekend of work we finally got our TurtleCoin public nodes up and running, — Right now we got 4 active nodes covering USA and Europe — We are looking to get at least one or two Asian nodes added later this month. We hope this will help the people that dont have the space or knowledge to run their own nodes for the wallets. -Cision

We just finished up the last updates on our blockexplorer over at — it now runs on 6 daemons instead of 1 and got https enabled, we hope it will be a joy to use now. -Cision

Community Shoutouts

rogerrobers — Shout out to artolan

Cision — I want to thank GNU/iburnmycd™ that he havent blocked me yet and helping me to setup my public daemons :)

CaptainJac0 — Thank you to everyone who voted for me on

Judderz — You want Turtle decals, come see me :)

Rock — Thanks to everyone who submitted a roundup article this week! Thanks also to Jerme and others who contributed to developers this week, and everyone in the Tester Team for helping to prepare 0.8.3

Originally published at TurtleCoin.




TurtleCoin is a fun, fast, and easy way to send money to friends and businesses.