September First #VBSquad

Turu Global
2 min readAug 25, 2022


September first will be the launch of our first DAO for the VersacBrickSquad

Welcome message in Discord Channel.

Celebration Event

To celebrate the opening of the first DAO, we have a community initiated event. The event consists of the following features.
- Dedicated HashTag
- Raffle for September 1 buyers
- Recognition for all DAO participants as per September first
- Official opening of the DAO

Dedicated Hashtag

The Hashtag for this event is #BuyaBrick. We will have a Twitter promotion going using the animations created by TuruGlobal team and the community.

Raffle for September 1 buyers

We have created a pre-registration form for potential buyers:
Every potential buyer who registers and actually buys bricks on September first will part of our raffle, where we will give away a collection of $BBT tokens and NFT’s.
We have 4 main prizes to give away complemented with 6 consolidation prizes. Details are visible in the sheet.

Recognition for all DAO participants

All people being a participant in our first Squad01 DAO by September 1, will receive a special early adoption badge as an NFT, to honor their early commitment to VersacBrickSquad.

Official Opening

The first DAO will be officially opened on September first for all holders to register in our VersacBrickSquad discord server. You can access our discord server here:

And then follow the instructions here, to be registered as a Squad01 DAO member:

