Medici Villas near Florence

Tuscan Wanders
2 min readOct 28, 2019


The Medici family is synonymous to the Italian Renaissance. They made Florence into the hub of the Humanist movement in Italy and Southern Europe. This extremely wealthy family of bankers managed to become the unofficial rulers of the city through business and political manoeuvring. The Medicis have always been patrons of the arts and helped launch the careers of some of the greatest artists of the Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Botticelli and many more.

Between the 15th and 17th century, the Medicis built and enjoyed villas scattered around Florence. These properties were used as hunting lodges and summer residences to escape the Florentine heat. They served more than one purpose. On a practical level, the villas served as working farms and were a means to control the agricultural activities of the area. On a more symbolic level, they were a way for the Medici to show off their wealth and artistic flair. Renaissance gardens became as much of a status symbol as the villa itself and the art collection that filled it.

The Medici owned over 25 villas in Tuscany (find the complete list), a clear sign of the wealth and hegemony of the family. Of these 25 villas, 12 are on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites. Here is a small selection of interesting Medici villas to visit near Florence.

Know more about Medici’s beautiful villas near Florence on Tuscan Wanders Travel Blog.



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