Installing Docker Toolbox on Windows

Tushar Soam
3 min readJun 3, 2017


  1. Go to the Docker website and download the Docker Toolbox for Windows. Click here

2. Now go to the download location, “Open” DockerToolbox application file and click “Run”.

3. Click “Next”.

4. Select the Installation location for the docker toolbox and click “Next”.

5. Select all the Components for Installation as you might need it at some point and click “Next”.

6. Select all the additional tasks which you want to be performed while Docker installation and click “Next”.

7. Now click “Install”. It will Install Docker Toolbox, Kitematic, Oracle Virtual Box, Git.

8. During installation a pop-up will appear for Oracle Corp USB Installation, click ”Install”. This is required for Oracle Virtual Box setup.

9. Docker is now installed on you system.

10. Before Opening Docker Quick Start terminal. Copy the boot2docker.iso image from your Docker Toolbox installation location to c:\user\USERNAME.docker\machine\cache.

11.Go to the start menu and search for “Docker QuickStart Terminal”.

12. Windows will then ask for “Administrator” permission for creating and configuring network adapters for VM. So provide the permission.

13. Now after successful installation and starting of the VM, you will be able to see the docker IP which here is

14. For checking the docker version, type docker --version

Docker Toolbox is successfully installed on your windows machine



Tushar Soam

Techie: Java | Spring Boot/Batch/MVC | Docker | Camunda BPM | Maven | Gradle | OpenStack | Ansible | MySQL | Hibernate | RESTful API’s