Trends and Expectations in Entrepreneurship 2024

Tushar Kansal
4 min readJan 19, 2024


As we step into 2024, the world of entrepreneurship continues its dynamic evolution, influenced by cutting-edge technologies, evolving consumer behaviors, and global challenges. Entrepreneurs are set to navigate an ever-changing landscape, where adaptability and innovation remain the driving forces. This exploration delves into anticipated trends and expectations that will shape the entrepreneurial sphere in 2024, drawing inspiration from the latest global examples.

Sustainability Takes Center Stage:

Entrepreneurs globally are recognizing the paramount importance of sustainability in their ventures. In 2024, we anticipate a surge in eco-conscious startups, with a commitment to sustainable practices and environmental responsibility. Recent examples include companies like Beyond Meat, a pioneer in plant-based meat alternatives, and Tesla, which not only revolutionizes electric vehicles but also explores sustainable energy solutions.

Tech-Driven Innovations: Cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to be driving forces in entrepreneurship. Global examples like Alibaba in China, which utilizes AI for personalized shopping experiences, and European blockchain startups like Bitpanda exemplify the integration of technology. For innovative solutions on a global scale.

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Remote Work Revolution: The global shift towards remote work, accelerated by recent events, has transformed traditional work structures. Entrepreneurs globally are expected to capitalize on this trend. Examples include Zoom, a communication platform that experienced exponential growth during the pandemic, and Slack, a collaboration hub facilitating remote team interactions, showcasing the global impact of the remote work revolution.

E-commerce Evolution: The growth of e-commerce, witnessed globally, is set to continue in 2024. Entrepreneurs worldwide are expected to explore new frontiers in online retail. Examples like Shopify, a Canadian e-commerce platform empowering businesses globally, and Indian unicorn Flipkart, exemplify the global fusion of technology and retail that continues to redefine the online shopping landscape.

Health and Wellness Tech: Global emphasis on health and wellness is reflected in entrepreneurial pursuits. Examples such as American Company Peloton, offering personalized fitness solutions, and European mental health startup Headspace Highlight the global trend of leveraging technology for holistic well-being solutions.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Entrepreneurship globally is becoming increasingly conscious of diversity, equity, and inclusion. In 2024, entrepreneurs are expected to prioritize building diverse teams and fostering inclusive workplace cultures. Global examples include Diversity VC in the UK, dedicated to promoting diversity in venture capital, and the global initiative She Loves Tech, supporting women in technology entrepreneurship. Tushar Kansal CEO of Kansaltancy Ventures ( ) offers a range of services to startups, encompassing funding assistance , consulting, investment management, and financial documentation.

Rise of Social Impact Entrepreneurship: Beyond profit margins, entrepreneurs globally are embracing social impact as a fundamental element of their ventures. Examples like TOMS, a US-based company known for its one-for-one business model, and African fintech startup Sokowatch, addressing supply chain challenges, exemplify the global trend of businesses contributing positively to society.

Expectations for Entrepreneurs: As these global trends shape entrepreneurship in 2024, certain expectations emerge for those navigating this dynamic environment

Agility and Adaptability: Entrepreneurs globally must remain agile and adaptable in the face of rapid changes, pivoting and innovating as needed.

Focus on Purpose: Beyond profit, global entrepreneurs are expected to articulate a clear sense of purpose, resonating with socially conscious consumers and investors alike.

Tech Literacy: A basic understanding of technology is a global imperative, with entrepreneurs staying abreast of emerging technologies for sustainable business growth.

Commitment to Sustainability: Sustainability is a global expectation, and entrepreneurs worldwide should integrate sustainable practices into their business models.

Inclusive Leadership: The expectation for global entrepreneurs to champion diversity and inclusion is on the rise, fostering diverse teams and inclusive workplace cultures.

Resilience in the Face of Challenges: The entrepreneurial journey globally is fraught with challenges, and global entrepreneurs are expected to demonstrate resilience and determination in navigating uncertainties.

Conclusion: As we envision entrepreneurship in 2024, the dynamic global landscape is poised for innovation, social responsibility, and technological advancements. Entrepreneurs who embrace these global trends and expectations stand to not only succeed in their ventures but also contribute meaningfully to a rapidly evolving global economy. The narratives crafted by global entrepreneurs in 2024 will undoubtedly shape the future of business and innovation on a worldwide scale for years to come.

About Tushar Kansal, Kansaltancy Ventures:

Founder/ CEO of Kansaltancy Ventures — Tushar is an accomplished professional, a “Thought Leader” & “Thought Influencer”.

Over the years, Tushar has supported Startups & Growth-stage companies in diverse sectors. Tushar is a Venture Advisor with a Canadian VC Fund & has invested in over 350 investments in more than 60 countries. His expert opinion is often sought by leading Business news channels and publications like CNN-News18, VCTV (Venture Capital Tv), Business World, Inc42, TechThirsty and Digital Market Asia. He has done 300+ talks — Just check on YouTube and Google. He is connected with 450+ investors globally, picking up global deals while being sector agnostic. His ticket size is USD 1–50 million.

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Tushar Kansal

Founder & CEO at Kansaltancy Ventures | IB | VC | Thought Leader/ Influencer | Awarded multiple times | 300+ Webinars/ Events